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     "NO way Foster!" Keefe breathed as he encased Sophie in a rib-crushing hug. *Linh silently squealing in the background* "I finally found you."

    "Took your sweet time, huh Sencen," Sophie cried as they finally broke apart. Keefe look at Sophie with such amazement, it made Sophie blush from head to toe. 

     "You haven't changed that much Foster," Keefe laughed as he raised his hand to Sophie's face, and stared at her.

     "Linh, Tam! Come I have someone I need you to meet!!" Sophie exclaimed as she let go of Keefe and ran to grab them. When Sophie grabbed Tam, and Linh, Keefe made sure that the Vackers were no where in sight. He didn't need Biana ruining this moment, but why did he get jealous when he saw how easily Sophie grabbed Tam's hand. He plastered a fake smile on his face, when Sophie brought them over.

     "This is Tam," Sophie said as she introduced Tam, " And this is Linh! These are my current friends at school!" Sophie felt so accomplished at that moment, she finally met one of her best friends ever, and was spending time with him without getting interrupted. 

    Until it wasn't fine.

    "OHHH KEEFIEPOOOOOO," Keefe heard the voice of his nightmare scream. He turned around as slow as possible not wanting to look her in the eyes. But maybe just maybe if he stayed still he would turn invisible. 

   "Oh there you are," Biana exclaimed hugging him. "What were you doing." 

   "I was talking to my friends," Keefe trailed off turning to where he last left Sophie, Tam, and Linh, but now realizing that they left. "Erm I was just eating some of the snacks!" Keefe was in reality very sad, he really missed Sophie, and really wanted to hang out with her. He missed her, and yet somehow he managed to develop feelings for her. Her wanted to tell her. But he couldn't, and she would never know.

    "It's okay Sophie, I know how much he means to you," Linh comforts as she broke down in her room when they came back from the concert.

    "Does he really not care about me anymore," Sophie cried into Linh's shoulder. "I-I thought that he really c-cared about me.

    "He does Soph, I promise," Linh said still trying to comfort the crying girl. "You should get a good night's sleep, and we can talk about it tomorrow."

   "O-Okay, thanks Linh," Sophie said as she gave Linh one last hug. "Your the best friend I could ever have."

    "Good night Soph," Linh whispered as Sophie finally fell asleep.

    "Is she okay?" Tam questioned asking about the crying girl. Tam has suspected that Sophie had feelings for him when she saw him for the first time. The way she talked about him when they were young. Tam was going to crush him when he got the chance for betraying Sophie like that.

    "I think she'll be fine, she's been through much worse," Linh sighed. "She didn't want anyone to know, but today was also the anniversary of when her parents died."

    "I-I didn't know," Tam stuttered, feeling like a bad friend for forgetting something important to her. 

    "I know," Linh said proudly. "She'll get through it, like she always have." Linh felt bad for her friend, but she knew that she'll get over it, but she hopes it'll be easier this time. Since she had us.

    "We should go," Tam yawned as he lead Linh to the car, and into the future.

Heyy! I'm not dead *i think* 😂 thanks for all the support guys! It's not going unnoticed! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Remember I'm always open to suggestions! Until next time. Stay strong, stay safe!

-Anna 😈👌🏻💋

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