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    "Wait. This isn't DisneyLand," Fitz commented as they pulled up to a house.

    "Duh, I'm bringing Keefe!" Biana squealed as she saw Lord Cassius drag Keefe to the front door. "HEY KEEFEIEEEEE!" Fitz covered his ears as Biana screamed for Keefe.

   "Hey Biana," Keefe shyly waved as Biana dragged him into the car, and started to take a ton of selfies. "So where are we going?"

   "We're going to California Adventure to see the Moonlark preform for the midnight party," Fitz said as he rolled his eyes at his younger sister. 

  "Ookay," Keefe coughed not sure what to do in the awkward atmosphere. "So do you guys have any rides you want to go on?"

    "Well we're obviously going to go to all of the rides the Moonlark goes on." Biana explained as she applied her mascara. "Duh." 

   "Okay then." Keefe wasn't sure of he could deal with Biana any longer. His dad forced him to date her since it was "good for publicity". If Keefe could break up with Biana he woudn't hesitate to do so.

                                          Meanwhile with the Moonlark and friends 

     "EKKKK! ITS COTTON CANDY!" Linh and Sophie squealed at the same time while running to the stand. Tam rolled his eye, he just doesn't get how these girls love cotton candy that much. *Cue Sophie and Linh stuffing their face with cotton candy* 

   "This is the best thing ever!" Linh exclaimed with her mouth full trying to give Tam some.

   "Um no thanks," Tam shrugged shoving away the cotton candy from Linh's hands.

  "Let's go on the Incredicoaster!" Tam said trying to pull the girls away from the cotton candy. 

   "Wait. That's actually a good idea!" Sophie exclaimed. Tam still unsure if they've got a sugar rush followed them to the line.

    "OMGOMGOMG!! ITS THE MOONLARK AND HER FRIENDS!!" A random fangirl screamed as she noticed the crew walking by. 

   "Uh Sandor, can you please fix the problem," Sophie whisper-shouted at the massive bodyguard.

   "That's my job Miss Ruwen," Sandor whispered back as her tried to contain the crowd that had built up around them. "Go to the ride, I'll meet you there." Sophie, Linh, and Tam tried to sneak out of the crowd as soon as possible.

   "Phew!" Linh said as they got into the fast-pass line for the incredicoaster. "That was a close one. I do not want to get eaten alive by fangirl/boys today." Tam smirked.

   "Problem averted Miss Moonlark," Sandor announced to Sophie as he got into the line with them.

   "Are you going on the ride with us Sandor?" Linh asked quriously at the bodyguard.

    "I go wherever Miss Moonlark goes," Sandor announced as he put a hand on Sophie's shoulder. 

    "Gee thanks Sandor," Sophie said as she shrugged off his hand and moved up the line. "Yay it's our turn!" Sophie, Sandor, Tam, and Linh all went on.

                                                                 After the ride

    "WHOOOOOOOOO! That was awesome!" Sophie exclaimed as they got off of the ride.

   "YESSS!! OOH let's go check our photos!!" Linh squealed as she rushed to the phot stand (thingy). Meanwhile Tam just wondered how in the world he was related to her. 

   "Check this out! OMG look at Sandor!" Sophie said as she burst out laughing. *In the photo everyone is screaming and laughing while Sandor is super serious*

    "FITZ COME!" Sophie heard the one obnoxious sound of the voice of her worst enemy. Sophie slowly turned around to see Biana holding Keefe's hand and dragging Fitz toward her. 

    "Keefe," Sophie breathed out as quiet as she could. From afar she could tell he matured. Then Sophie's emotions turned mad. inside her head it said HE CAME BACK AND NEVER BOTHERED TO TEXT ME I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!!!! 

   "Uh Moonlark are you okay, you practiacally have steam coming out of your ears," Tam worriedly said as he put his hand on her shoulder trying to get her out of her trance.

    "Oh yeah, I'm fine, let's just get away from here," Sophie explained walking away. But even when she tried ignoring him, she just felt her heart ache for him. She just tried brushing.

   "Hey!" A voice said from behind as they just finished eating lunch.

    "Liam!" Sophie exclaimed as she jummped into his arms giving him a hug. When Sophie was hugging him, it just felt wrong. Like her heart belonged to someone else.

   "I came here as soon as I was done with work," Liam explained as soon as Tam and Linh went to go on the Guardian of the Galaxy ride.

                              (Sorry guys I'm drawing a blank so I'm just going to skip to midnight sry again *facepalms*)

         "Hello California Adventure!" Sophie shouted as she walked onto the stage. "Let's get this party started!!"


   The whole time Sophie was singing the song something felt off. But she didn't know what it was. Was it Tam and Linh backstage giving her a thumbs up? No. Was it Liam who was playing the guitar and singing with her as a backup singer. Maybe. Or was it the sight of Biana and Keefe together. Yeah that was it.

   "Thank you guys and have a happy new years!!" Sophie announced as she left the stage.

   "AHHH you did great!" Linh squealed as she gave Sophie a hug. 

    "I have to admit, as much as I didn't want to go, I actually had fun," Tam admitted while Linh made fun of him and saying that she was right this whole time.

   "Hey can I talk to you in private," Liam said sheepishly as Sophie was thanking Linh and Tam.

   "Okay," Sophie answered. She gave one last look at Keefe and Biana before she followed Liam backstage. "What did you need to talk to me about?" Sophie asked the boy infront of her.

    "Sophie I like you a lot, and I really care for you. What I'm about to say, is for your and my good." Liam said as he took a deep breath. "This isn't easy for me to say, but I think we need to breakup."

YAAAAAAAAAAAAA I bet you all are celebrating. I'm sorry this isn't bolded I'm on a computer right now. If you didn't get the chapter, it basically means that Sophie is finally realizing her feelings for Keefe. You'll figure out why Liam broke up with her in the next chapter. Haha!!! I hope you enjoyed it... Feel free to give me any suggestions on what you think should happen. Until next time. Stay strong, stay safe! (Word Count 1116)

I died by laughing so hard lol PLZZ watch this is amazing!!!

-Anna *Insert emoji's here* lol onmy computer there isn't any emoji's

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