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   "I can't believe that I have a girly closet," Linh commented as she gaped at the Moonlark closet.

   "I know Tam couldn't believe it either." Sophie admitted sheepishly. The two girls had made up after the big concert, and now we're as best of friends as before. They were now hanging out in Sophie's giant closet. Sophie was going to add something when the Moonlark iPhone when off.

    "Hello, the Moonlark here." Linh heard Sophie respond. "Uh-huh, Okay, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, oh okay, I'll think about it, bye."

   "Well it turns out Biana's having a birthday party," Sophie sighed as she looked through her calendar.

    "Yeah and," Linh continued trying to figure out where this was going.

   "Her dad Alden, just called, it turns out she wants the Moonlark to sing at her birthday," Sophie groaned, while slapping her forehead. "And he said that they'll give me 1,000 dollars. 

    "ONE THOUSAND DOLLARRS?!" Linh screamed! "Wow!! That's the offer of a life time!"

   "I know, fine, I'll do it." Sophie sighed.

    "Your lucky, you'll get to go to a Vacker party, I heard there, legendary!" Linh squealed.

    "Do you want me to ask if you can go?" Sophie asked the excited teenager beside her.

   "YESS!! That would be amazing!! I can't wait! Oh and can you ask if Tam can go, because I won't go without him." Linh responded eagerly. 

  "Sure, why not," Sophie agreed as she started to call Tam. "Hey Tam!"

Sophie explained the whole situation to him, and asked if he wanted to come.

     "Absolutely not! Why would I want to go to a Vacker's party, with lots of people." Tam remarked in disgust. 

     "Fine, then I guess Linh will be lonley, while I'm singing on stage, and who knows if a boy might approach her, and ask her out. I guess you wouldn't be there to scare the poor guys away." Sophei sighed while trying to hide her laughter. She knew this would work, Tam would go ballistic if a guy approached Linh without going through himi first.


     "So that means you'll go?" Sophie interuppted.

     "Yes, I'll go, but only because of Linh." Tam sighed sadly rubbing his hand aggainst his temples.

     "Great meet here tomorrow at 6:00, thought you're free to come earlier," Sophie explained as Linh squealed in the backround. 

   "Okay got to go bye," Tam announced as he hung up.

    "Well that went well," Linh sighed finally calming down. "I can't wait to get dressed up again like last time. It wa so much fun!!"

    While Linh rambled Sophie started to think of what song to sing at the concert.

   "UGH!" Sophie groaned.

   "Wait, I thought this was a happy occasion. Why are you so grumpy?" Linh asked.

   "I'm just not sure, what song I should sing at the party," Sophie sighed sadly. "Which one do you think I should sing?"

    "I know! You should sing the song titanium from your newest album!" Linh happily suggested.

   "Oh yeah, that's a great idea! It's also, one of my favorites!" Sophie said. Her smile instantly vanished as she remembered why she wrote that song.


Seven year old Sophie was done with school. She was so excited because today was Marty's birthday, and she was going to bake him a cake. As she exited the school, the other kids gave her mean looks. She just kept her head down, and kept walking. Nothing could ruin her day.

     "Hey Sophie," Stina said behind her. "Well what do we have here. Ooh it's our homework for today, and it's all finished." Stina cackled as she grabbed Sophie's backpack and pushed her to the ground. Stina being taller than Sophie grabbed her backpack and put it out of her reach.

  "Ooh, you can't reach it," Stina teased as Sophie tried jumping for her backpack.

    Then out of nowhere a voice called out, "Let go of her!" Sophie looked back to see Keefe running down the hallway. As soon as Stina heard the voice, she ran.

    "Hey, are you okay." Keefe questioned crouching down to meet her eyes.

    "Yeah," Sophie sniffled looking away.

   "Hey, lets go home," Keefe said softly reaching for her hand.

   "Okay," Sophie said wiping her eyes and grabbing her backpack. "Thanks for rescuing me by the way."

   "Hey, No problem, that's what friends do," Keefe said as they started walking back home together.

                            \\\\\\\\\\\\\End of Flashback \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

Haii!! I'm back, and I'm not dead!!! Erm at least I don't think I am..... I will go back to the normal schedule this week. I hope you guys are having an amazing week! I'm always open to suggestions on what I should do next! Stay strong, stay safe!! (800 words)

  -Anna 😈👌🏻💋

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