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since ya'll asked for it! here is the long-awaited epilogue~

"SOOPH SOPH!" A voice yelled through the crowd as Sophie and Keefe were heading into a hotel where they were going to have an interview together.

"Soph?" Sophie breathed thinking who in the world would call her that instead of Moonlark or Sophie.

"Do you know her babe?" Keefe asked as he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers an adorable, confused look on his face.

"Her voice sounds oddly familiar," Sophie pondered as they walked even closer to the hotel doors, Sophie's eyebrows were scrunched and her face in a confused state.

The duo was about to enter the gorgeous hotel, when a certain dark-haired girl ran to the entrance of the hotel and started to run towards them.

"Sophie!" Biana squealed about to crush Sophie in a hug, when her bodyguards grabbed Biana by her arms and started to pull her away from them, which Sophie found pretty amusing.

"Hey stop we're friends from school!" Biana yelled trying to pull herself away from Sophie's bodyguards. "Right Soph, you remember me right! We were basically best friends."

Keefe who was standing next to Sophie saw her uneasiness was about to speak up until Sophie found her confidence and yelled at Biana.

"We were never friends, you were pretty much my 'bully' in school and now that I'm famous you decide to like me?" Sophie asked putting air quotes around the word bully. "I would prefer it if you don't speak to me ever again."

On that note Sophie made a sharp ninety-degree turn and speed walked into the hotel with Keefe right behind her. The sound of Biana telling the bodyguards that Sophie was lying, and they were still friends could be heard. 

"Are you ok?" Keefe asked as he saw the tip of Sophie's ears turn red, which he knew was a sign that she was mad.

"She just makes me so mad sometimes!" Sophie huffed, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration. "It's a good thing we don't go to the same school anymore."

Ever since Sophie revealed herself as being the Moonlark her agency decided that it wouldn't be safe for her to attend the same school. So ever since she was being homeschooled while traveling all over the world for her tours. Of course, she terribly misses Linh and Tam, but she gets to see them almost every weekend.

"Oh Soph," Keefe sighed as he hugged Sophie's smaller frame which started to shake a little. "You're too kind for this world."

"How did I do that?" Sophie asked herself as she looked up at Keefe's face when she pulled away from his hug. 

"You mean stand up for yourself?" Keefe questioned as they started to walk farther into the building. "Well because I was there duh."

"You goof," Sophie laughed punching Keefe lightly in the arm.

"Well this goof made you smile didn't I?" Keefe teased while Sophie realized that she was smiling. "And to answer your question it's because you're you! You're THEE Moonlark, and the coolest person I know. Well excluding my girlfriend but you wouldn't know her, she's just as cool as the Moonlark."

"Hmm I wonder if I'll ever know who it is?" Sophie grinned innocently while intertwining their hands together.

"I wonder," Keefe grinned with Sophie. The couple walked down the hallway and into the center of the building where their destination was at.

"Here we have Sophie Foster and Keefe Sencen!" The announcer presented as Sophie walked onto the stage with a big grin. Her blonde hair flowing freely behind her.

"So who are you?" The announced asked once everyone was seated. The air around Sophie lifted when she realized that she didn't have to hide anymore and with Keefe at her side she felt invincible. And little did Keefe know that today was the day that she would make their relationship public.

"I am The Moonlark, and this is my boyfriend Keefe Sencen!" Sophie announced making the crowd around her scream with excitement, and Sophie couldn't be happier.



HI GUYS ITS BEEN TOO LONG! yes i am still alive if you must know and life is well pretty crazy. Well sorry for the very short epilogue. i did promise you guys that if we reached 100k that i would give you guys one! and well here it is haha. sorry this took so long let's just say i have other things in store for ya'll ;). You are doing amazing! love ya'll

xAnna <3

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