1.6K 18 27

 Wow time really does fly! I can't believe that this book has come to an end. It's funny because this book was actually a mistake and I posted it on accident, but when you guys said that you loved the plot I just continued writing! Now here we are almost at 50K VIEWS! LIKE WHAT?! That's crazy! I love you guys sooo much! So lets start with the thank yous!


I just want to thank you soo much for just being there for me and staying up until who knows when drafting ideas for this story XD. And when ever I was being an idiot you were there to smack me on the back of the head and tell me to focus. haha. ILYY I don't know where I would be without you to be honest. (Well I know probably dead after falling off of a car haha). I love you so much lil sis! 


I want to thank you for being the annoyingest little sister in the world. (haha don't kill me plz) Well if it wasn't for you screaming at me to update every week I think I would've discontinued the story. So thank you for that. And those nights where we were probably supposed to be asleep but you begged me to hear you out and your ridiculous ideas which somehow made it into this book XD. ILYSM! So thank you for that!


I bet you weren't expecting a shoutout. haha But here it is! I just want to thank you for always being one of the first people to comment on this book since the VERY beginning. And for ALWAYS commenting on every chapter. I always look forward to see your comments on every chapter. So thank you so much for that!


I want to thank you for being there for me whenever I had a problem or whenever I needed to rant. haha. I know you weren't expecting a shoutout but I just had to give you one! It's also for being my first online friend EVER! Also this book is special because I met you through it so I'll forever be thankful for that.

and last but DEFINATELY not least

YOU GUYS! Yes you!

I just want to thank everyone who had ever read this story! (Man I sound like some obnoxious YouTuber haha) I love all of you guys! I can't believe that after this I'll be able to put a check next to completed after almost a year! I might get around to doing an epilogue so you can look forward to that. I'm in the process of making another book so that's why the epilogue isn't coming sooner. I love you guys sososoosososoooo much!! 

                                    I guess this is it signing off for the last time 

-Anna 😈🤟🏻💋

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