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     "Hey KE-just another fan," Sophie stuttered as she took Keefe's hand to get up. It had been at least six years since she last saw him. Sophie wanted to squeeze him so hard that she would break a couple of his bones.

     "Hi Moonlark! I've seen that you've meet my boyfriend Keefe Sencen!" Biana squealed as she grabbed hold of Keefe. Keefe was toally unamused by Biana, it seems like he was a little annoyed at most. Sophie wondered why he was annoyed, and why her hands seem to clench at the sight of them.

     "UH- yes I just met him, thank you for helping me, I should get going," Sophie rambled as she took off towards the limo, where Sandor, Linh, and Tam were waiting for her.

    "Linh! Where were you I looked all over for you!" Sophie exclaimed. "Wait, and why is there dirt all over your hair and dress?" Sophie was utterly confused, but got into the limosine.

   "Well what happened was that I got bored during the party, while you went to find Liam, OH and by the way you guys are ADORABLE!! I found a bunny inside one of the bushes, and it looked wounded, so I followed it. I think I crawled through the bushed for at least half an hour, and then it ran away and I couldn't find it so I gave up and came back to the limo." Linh told Sophie while picking out the dirt from her hair.

   "Ew, you're getting it all over me," Tam remarked in disgust as he flung a piece of dirt to the other side of the limo.

   "We are here Miss Foster," Sandor announced as they arrived at Havenfield. Everyone jumped out of the car and headed inside.

   "Hey sweetie! How was the party?" Edaline asked as they came in. "I made fresh mallowment for you guys."

   "Mallowment!" Sophie screamed as she ran to plate of mallowment at the table. "Oh did you guys want some." Sophie asked as she stuffed her face with the delicious gooey treat.

   "Sure why not." Tam agreed as they sat at the table eating a plate of mallowment telling stories about the party. At that moment all was well.

Haii!! I'm so sorry that this is so short 😣. But today I will be answering your guys's questions! Feel free to ask me questions at any time! They make my life so much more interesting 😂. I will answer them at the end of the chapter like today! Soo let's get started. (Lmao 😝 I'm so cringe) 

Do you have any pets?: In fact I do! I have a 7 year old shih-tzu. He's the sweetest EVER!! His name is Archie... I would show you guys a picture, but since I'm on an iPad I can't quite figure it out 😂.

Will Liam and Sophie breakup soon: WELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I can't exactly tell you since it'll be a spoiler 😂. But good luck guessing. 😣 

Where did you get the idea to make a Hannah Montana inspired fan fiction?: Uhhh tbh I don't quite know, I was in LOVEE with Hanna Montana at one point. Then I started reading Agent Moonlark au type of things... so I got inspired to make one that was completely original that I haven't seen before, and I immediately thought of Hannah Montana.

When will her identity get revealed to everyone?: Uhhhhhhhhhh I'm so sad I can't tell you. But then you guys will lose interest in my book if I tell you guys everything 😔. So the only thing I can tell you is to keep reading!! And CONGRATS IN MAKING IT THIS FAR!!

Last author's note for this chapter. TAHNK YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH FOR 3K VIEWS EEEKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! Since you guys are the best thing ever!! Feel free to ask questions at any time I promised that I'll answer your guys's questions as long as it's not a spoiler... 😂 Also o don't mind if you guys ask me personal questions it makes things so much more interesting anyways 😂. And remember I'm ALWAYS open to suggestions! Until then. Stay strong, stay safe! (Word count 692) 

-Anna 😈👌🏻💋

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