1 Week later and last removal

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I am going back to see Tom so he can check and see my if my stitches are infected or not when I arrive at the office there is a lot of people there I check and n and wait in the waiting room and when I get called in I sit in the chair and Tom walks in he says " Hey Paige how's your mouth?" I say "good just sore." He says " that's ok it's normal after this kind of procedure. Now let's check to see if you have an infection and take out the stitches." I ask "will taking out the stitches hurt?" He says "probably but If you can't handle it raise up your left hand and I'll num you." I nod my head and sit back in the chair he tips it back and taps my lip and I open up he looks around and says " everything looks good now lets take out the stitches and you can be on your way!" He starts to take out the stitches and it hurts a little but is bearable when he is done he tips the chair back up and says "I forgot to ask when we should do the last 12 year molar which will probably be the most painful." I say "you would have to ask my parents and see but how would you being removing the tooth?" He says " Well that depends on what they think I would want to have you be sleeping so you wouldn't be in any pain but if your parents want you wake then it would be the same way as before but would last 1-2 hours maybe longer if you have pain." I say " that makes sense but I would want to be asleep but I have no idea what my parents want." I smile he chuckles and says " ok so I'll call your parents and see what they want to do and when we should do it." I walk out and see Harry and wave at him he waves back and I walk out to my car and get in and drive home.

1 month later

I am back at the office early in the morning to see Tom and Carlos for the surgery which I will be awake for I see Tom walk in and he calls he back and asks " ready for the last tooth Paige?" I say " ya" and yawn after wards he chuckles and asks " tried?" I nod my head and he says " ok I am done with questions but do you want someone holding your hand this time?" I nod my and he calls Niall and Niall comes in and says "Hey Paige how are you?" I say " I'm good just nervous." They start getting ready and explained to Niall that this time I wanted someone's hand to hold. He sits down and holds my hand then they get stared and I squeeze Nialls hand and he squeezes back in comforting me by rubbing circles on my the top of my hand.

2 hours Later

They just finished and I am on my way out and Tom gives me a prescription for the 12 year old molar and says "come back in a month so we can check to see if there infected and so I can take out your stitches." I nod my head and walk out to the car and head home to relax and eat ice cream.

1 month later

I am back at the office and Tom calls me back I walk in and he says " ready Paige?" I nod my head and he gets ready to check taps my lip and I open up and he looks and says " you don't have an infection now I just need to take out the stitches." He takes out the stitches and says "now that the stitches are out you can head off but the boys and I wanted to give you a gift because of how brave you were and because you were our first patient so let's go to my office." I say " you really didn't need to get me a gift." He says " I know but we felt like you deserve it because of everything you went through so let's go." We walk to his office and I sit down in a chair. The others walk in and stand by Tom, they all say hi and I say hi back. Harry asks " how are you?" I say " good and excited for my bowling match tomorrow." Niall asks "you bowl?" I say " yup I am on the team and my highest source is 133." James says " wow that's impressive. How long have you been bowling for?" I say " I been bowling for a long time but I just stared to compete in 9th grade on the school team." Liam says " wow so let's get back to where we were Tom told you that we have a gift for you of how brave you were and because you were our first patient." I say "you didn't need to get me a gift." They grab the bag and hand it to me and I open it and it's a bracelet with a horse shoe on it. I say "aww it's beautiful thanks." I hug them all and they hug me back. I leave and walked out to my car and go home.

Sorry this is short I could think of anything to write for it give me ideas for the next chapter

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