My doctors/denists are famous

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If I have this ⚠️ in the begging of a chapter it means trigger warning you can skip if you want and if I have this❤️ it means sex just a heads up for you all.)

My parents yell at me to get dressed. I ask why they tell me that I am going to the doctors. I am not really scared of them but just confused on why we are going.  I get dressed and get in the car. When we get there, there is only 3 cars there my parents call saying I am here they tell them to wait by the door I am waiting for the door to open when it does the doctor is wearing a mask and saying  I can go come in and follow him to the room

First room

He asks me to sit on the table. He then says "ok let's get started! Hi I am Doctor Styles and I am your pediatrician what's your name?"

I say " Hi Doctor Styles My name is Paige." 

He says "ok let's get started. Can you step on the scale for me please so I can see how much you weigh and then I can see you." I step on the scale and He says " 158.0 ok we will work on that, now go stand against the wall so I can see how tall you.  Feet up against the wall and stand up straight so I can see how tall you are'' I did what he said " ok your 5'1 now follow me back to the room"

I follow him back to the room doctor styles says " hop on the bed and we will continue" I hop on the bed and

Doctor styles says  " I am going to take your temperature just hold still for me" he takes my temp " 96.9 degrees Fahrenheit now just look at the wall behind me and I will look at your eyes then your nose ears and mouth" I do what he says.

Doctor styles  says. "Now I am just going to check your heart rate and your lungs it might be a little cold but bare with it."  He was right, it was a little cold and he finished quickly. "Now I just need to check your blood pressure it's just a tight squeeze" he does the blood pressure and he needs to redo it he does it again but a little bit higher and it's better then he says " Now just lay down and I will check your stomach for any lumps or anything bad and listen to your bowls'' he does it and I was good then he says "now sit up and I have to give you 4 shots a blood test and a spinal tap" I freeze at his words and he notices he comes over hugs me and says "I am sorry I wouldn't do it if I could but i have too I'll be right back" I get really nervous and I see him come back and he gives me a sad smile "ok so what do you want to do first? I would suggest the most painful one first then go down to the least painful one" I say " can we do the most painful and go down please?"he says  "Sure so I am going to need to to lie down on your side with your back facing me so I can take this small needle it is just for numbing it and then I'll take this large needle and I will insert it in the area is numb ok?" I nod my head yes so I lay on my side "ok I am going to do the numbing needle." He inserts it and takes it out almost immediately. "Ok now I am doing the bigger needle this one has to be in for longer but it will feel like a lot of pressure ok?" I say "ok just nervous" he says "that's fine just try to stay as still as possible and it will be done quicker." I say "ok" he then inserts and I feel a lot of pressure and after a few minutes he pulls it out and puts a  bandage over the wound helps me sit up and says "now that the worst one is done let's start the blood test" he grabs the material for the test and wipes the pit of my arm with an alcohol pad he ties my band around my arm feels for a vein and when he finds one says "quick scratch then you almost done" he inserts the needle and a few seconds later it's done he takes out he says "now that's out of the way time for the shots" I say very sarcastic "yay" he chuckles and says "I'll try to do them quick" he gets the first one ready and rolls up my sleeve and says " number one" he does it quickly same with the last two "and now last one you're doing so good" he smiles and then instead the lasts one when he's done it puts a bandage over it and hugs me again and says "come on let's go to the next appointment room" I say "wait there is more than on appointment happening today I thought it was only one?" He says "your parents didn't tell you that it was more than one today?" I say "no they never really tell me anything I mean I am not freaking out but I am just really shocked" he says "wow but ok I know all the doctors and there all really nice and help you through everything now let's go see doctor Horan he is a gynecologist and he's really funny." I just nod my head we walk there and when we get there he knocks on the door 

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