Fight part 1 ⚠️

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( trigger warning this involves blood and fighting if you want to skip you can I will summarize it in fight part3)

I also want to say thanks to NataleyK
For the idea to use Louis partridge he is an anesthesiologist it just came to me one day

Louis.P will mean Louis partridge
Louis will mean Louis Tomlinson just so you guys know

In school there is this really annoying kid and he bullies me it's usually only verbal and pouring or throwing stuff at me but today he wanted to be physical and punches me in the face a few times and in the gut he also pushes me to the ground and kicks me in the ribs then he pulls me up and slams me into a locker and pulls my arm to my back the opposite way so it breaks and then I had enough so I punch him where the sun doesn't shine and we get sent to the office and I get OSS for 2 weeks and he gets dentition for 3 days our parents get called and I am not in trouble with my mom and dad because they told me to fight back we drive to the office and I wait in the waiting room when I get called back I go to toms office and sit in the chair. Tom walks in and says "ok Paige I know your supposed to be in school so why aren't you in school?" I say " I got into a fight with a bully and he punched me 8 time around my jaw area and I fought back. I got OSS for 2 weeks he has dentition for 3 days and now I am here." He says very awkwardly "ok so I am just going to check and then fix your mouth." He taps my lips and I open he says " ok so already looking at your mouth you definitely need surgery because you have a lot of broken, and cracked teeth plus they moved and by tapping some of them they are loose I am going to go get Carlos and the anesthesiologist they we can get to work." He leaves and I wait for him to come back.

He comes back with Carlos and the anesthesiologist and Tom says " ok Paige so Carlos is just going to check and see if anything is crooked and after Carlos is done Louis Partridge is going to talk to you about the anesthesia and the effects while we setup every thing ok?" I nod my head and Tom sits down in the " parent chair" and Carlos checks my teeth and frowns and says " ok Tom let's go get the stuff and then we will start." They walk out and Louis says " so have you ever had anesthesia?" I say " I haven't but I have had laughing gas does that count?" Louis says " no that doesn't count. So here is what will happen I will put an IV in and they will put a mask on and you will go to sleep and they will work while I watch and make sure you fall sleep and then you'll wake up and be loopy then we will be done." He explains a few more things to me and then the boys walk in and Tom asks " ok Paige you ready?" I nod my head and Louis inserts the IV Carlos puts the mask on me and says count bake from ten. I only make it to 4.

After the surgery

My parents are in the room and talking to Carlos and Tom.  Louis.P pops in and says "ok she's wake and do you guys know what to do with medication and stuff?" My parents nod there heads my mom asks "she has to stay over night tho right just to see if any problem or internal bleeding right?" Tom nods his and Harry comes in and says " there is the girl of the hour how you feeling?" I say " your from One Direction and your Spider-Man and your from Big Time Rush." Pointing to them They all start laughing and Harry says " yes yes we are but know let's get you to bed so we can give you a check-up later an sleep off the medication." He picks me up bridal style and say "I always dream of this."'he chuckles and says" really? What else?" I say " o always wanted to say that my friend thinks that the poster of you naked is porn and hates when I mention it." He laughs and says " well that's very funny and so need to sleep now ok?" He gently places me on a bed and place the blanket over me " stay with me until I fall asleep or cuddle me?" He looks at his watch and says " only for a few minutes ok?" I nod my head and he climbs in and wraps a arm around my waist as pulls me in until I fall asleep but right before I say "I looooove yooooooooooooou Harry." He rubs my arm for a while then leaves

3 hours later

When I wake I have a pounding headache and my jaw hurts a lot Harry walks in and says "hey how you feeling?" I groan and say "my head and jaw hurt." But not so coherent and he comes closer and says " can you say that again?" I repeat it and he gives me pain killers and says " Tom and Carlos will be here soon in the mean time get some sleep." He pats my head and walks away and I go back to sleep.

A few minutes later tom and Carlos come back in and wake me up do a check over and go back to doing what they are doing

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