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625 5 3

Authors note I will start using there names in the next chapter and this chapter just so everyone knows
Also so everyone knows this is who everyone is when I say
Dr.S= Styles
Dr.M= Malik
Dr.He= Henderson
Dr.Ho= Holland
Dr.Pe= Pena

My mom drives me back and calls says I'm here they say to wait by the door and someone will come to bring me in.

I wait by the door and Doctor Styles comes to take me back.

We go to the room I was in first and all the doctors come in and Dr.S says "ok so basically we are opening a new clinic and needed a trail patient and we choose you". Dr.H say " so yesterday we went though all the appointments." Dr.P says " and today we will go over the results." Dr.T says " and reveal our identity's." Dr.M says " try not to over react when you see them." Dr.Ma say "we will be your permanent doctors/dentists from now on." Dr.Sc say " now there won't be a hassle to go to the city for your NF appointments." Dr.He says " and you'll be easier to contact if we need you for something." Dr.Ho says "and if something happens you can get to us quickly." Dr.Pe says " and you can help us when we need it like when we have interns that need to learn." They all say at the same time "3 2 1" and they pull down there masks the. I see that
Dr.S is Harry Styles
Dr.H is Niall Horan
Dr.P is Liam Payne
Dr.T is Louis Tomlinson
Dr.M is Zayn Malik
Dr.Ma is James Maslow
Dr.Sc Kendall Schmidt
Dr.He is Logan Henderson
Dr.Ho Tom Holland
Dr.Pe is Carlos Pena jr

Toms says "well did you expect us to be your doctors?" I say " no I didn't think that you guys would be my doctors and I am honestly surprised."  Niall says "then why are you not screaming really loud?" I say " Because I woke up at 6:30 for school yesterday and then after school came here at 3 then went home to do homework and hung out with my friends watching movies and laughing playing ping pong and hide and seek and many other things. They were there until 1 am because our parents went out to drink went to bed at the 1:30." They are shocked and James say "ok then so that's is it normal for your parents to do that?" I say "no it's the second time they ever done it they did it a while back but came back at 12am so that was fun but it was 2 years ago." Harry says " ok so let's just say the results mine for the blood test and spinal tap are good nothing bad came back." I say "ok" Harry says "why aren't you cheering?" I says "I don't want to risk my luck."  Niall says " the Pap smear can back negative nothing wrong." I say "ok" Tom says "I talked to your parents and they said that o could remove your 12 morals today so if that's ok with you could i do that right now?" I say " sure I really don't care my mouth is my moms savings account. I just have one questions are you using laughing gas or anesthesia?" Tom says " laughing gas and I'll be using numbing gel as long with a numbing needle for it because I know it hurts a lot with out the gel." I say "you just answered my second question." Niall says "why is that?" I say " well I had teeth pulled before for braces and they didn't use the gel and it hurt a lot." All there eyes soften and they all hug me and James says " how old were you when it happened?" I say " when I got my braces on my friends in 5th grade. Going into 6th grade and in 6th grade I had 5 teeth pulled and brackets put on to teeth to pull them down and chains to help. In 8th grade I got them off." The all take there arms off of me I smile and Tom says " well now your getting this done so add that to your list of bad things that have happen to you." He chuckles and I say " that's just my mouth I have had many things hit me in the face 2 basketballs hit me in the head a kickball hit me in the face a dodge ball hit me in the back when I was at camp. I had multiple volleyballs hit me. A nerf bullet to the corner of my eye. I also have fallen off my bike more than once and the last fall I got road rash 4 bruise on my right leg scraped my left ankle knee and hand all in one ride. I have all fallen off a horse while cantering I feel on my hip and back but though all those things never shed a single tear. But there was this one time where I did cry when I got hot on the eye with a pen." Louis says "dam your a very tough kid aren't you not one tear even for the horse one?" I say " yup even for the horse one I even got back on the horse and continued to ride the horse." Tom says "ok so now let's do it. Do you want anyone in the room holding your hand?" I say " no I am 16 I can do it myself and if I do I'll just deal with it." Tom says "well I know that but I thought it would be nice for you to hold someone's hand." I say "it's really ok." Toms says "Ok let's go."

In the room I sit down in the chair and he put the laughing gas bud on my nose and turns it on and asks me " do you have pain medication on you I just want you to take it now so later your not in pain." I say " I do I just need water to take the medicine." He gets me a cup of water as I take the medicine and he lowers the chair and puts the laughing gas nub on my nose turns it on and taps my lip to open up and I open he puts numbing gel around the tooth waits a few minutes then says "ok needle in 3,2,1." The needle goes though my gum then he takes it out and does a few more. He then says "if you feel any pain just raise you hand and I'll pump up the laughing gas ok?"  I nod my head yes. Tom and Carlos start working on removing the first 12 year old molar and when there done they do the process two more time after that Tom says " OK so we got the first 3 out now were going to have to do the 4th one another time because it would be too painful and it would make it eraser on all of us to do it another day. OK?" i nod my head and Carlos gives me a piece of paper with a precision on it and says "that is the precision and make sure you take it twice a day and only eat soft foods until after the check to make sure you don't have an infection. OK?" i say "OK." and walk out of the office to my moms car with the precision.

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