Twisted ankle

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So I am at homecoming just dancing with my friends in heels and I start jumping up and down because I honestly don't know how to dance and I fall and I hurt my right ankle so I get up and sit down in the cafeteria and my friends start freaking out because of this. I tell them I fine and say " I just rolled my ankle this happens all the time." One of them says " I still think you should talk to the cops or get some ice for it"

I say " it will be fine" I get up and start walking around "see I am fine"

She gives up and we go back to dancing.

A few weeks later

So it's Halloween and I am running around trying to get pictures for yearbook dressed as bandanna man. When I am coming from the second floor of my school I trip and fall up the stairs and fall on my face and my right ankle is radiating in pain and my mouth is fucking killing me. One of the principal heard me fall down the stairs and he comes to see what happened when he sees me he asks "what happened are you ok?"

I say " I tripped coming up the stairs and my ankle hurts a lot."

He helps me up and gets me to the nurses office and he tells them " she tripped going up the stairs and her ankle hurts can you give her some ice?"

The nurse gets me some ice and asks what happened I tell her then head to the yearbook office tell them what happened I sit there for the rest of the period then finish my last two classes of the day then head then head to see James and Tom because my school doesn't do shit if your hurt unless your bleeding a lot or passed out.

Once I get there I tell the receptionist what happened and asked if I could see James when he gets a chance because I twisted my ankle and it hurts a lot.

In James office

James comes in and says " what bring you in today Paige?"

I say " so I think it started during the Homecoming dance. I was dancing in my heels and I fell and I didn't think anything of it because after a few minutes I could walk and it didn't hurt but while I was in school today running around taking pictures for yearbook and I tripped going up ten stairs and hurt the same ankle and I think I chipped a tooth too."

James sighs and starts to check my vitals and says " ok so next time something like this happens come see me right away so when it happened during homecoming after the dance you should have came seen me right away."

I say " but I kinda do something to my ankle lot and it's usually fine so I thought it was like that."

James starts to feel the ankle I hurt says " it ok just next time come right away pl- " " OWWW"

James sighs again and says "because it could have been worse then it is now I want to get an x-ray just to make sure it  is not broken but I think you just twisted it. Also before you get up we just got a new portable x-ray that stays in the rooms so your the first patient we are trying it."

I say " ok so I just need to stay in the room?"

James says " yup and best part no vest it just takes a picture of the area needed we just put something gently over the area and it takes the picture."

I say " so it's like when you get x-rays of your teeth?"

James says "Yup. Just lay down and let me do everything."

I lay down and James does everything with little struggle but it's only because  he has never used the machine before so there little struggle.

James takes off the thing off my ankle and he says " so it's just a twist all I need to do it wrap it and then give you some crutches and you can go see Tom. And I'll tell him your here because it looked like you said only me right?"

I say " ya but it's only because my ankle hurt more then my mouth so I kinda forgot."

James says "ok I'll be right back don't move."

I stay in the room waiting for James to come back to the room with the crutches.

James comes back in and says " ok so all I need to do is wrap it and give you the crutches but Tom can take you now and fix your tooth and I think he is also mad so try and explain to him that it happened today and not during homecoming."

I say " ok so how am I supposed to get to his room with the whole twisted ankle?"

James doesn't answer just picks me up and I say " you know could have told me you were going to do that right?"

James says " I know but then it would be as fun."

He puts me down in the dental chair and say " I'll be back soon behave for Tom."

I say " I will."

He walks out then a few minutes later Tom comes in and say " Paige-"

Before he can say anything I interrupt him and say " I broke my tooth today and not during homecoming please don't be mad."

Tom then says " ok let's just get this over with ok daddy that way you can get home and rest."

I nod my head and Tom leans the chair back and James comes back in and he wraps my ankle while Tom fixes my tooth.

A few minutes later

Tom finishes fixing my tooth and says " ok so I just need to check if it's flat and then stitch the inside of your mouth then you can go home."

I nod my head and he cheeks to see if it's flat. Then he grabs the numbing needles and says " this is probably one of the worst shots to get but bear with me. Ok?"

I nod my head and as soon as he puts the needle in my lip and it pierces my inside of my lip I grip my seat and squeeze them until he pulls it out and he says " ok that will just be a minute I just need to grab Carlos to hold your lip down and change your colors i'll be back."

He grabs Carlos who was just walking by and says "hey can you just hold her lip down while I stitch it back together?

Carlos says "I can" he puts a mask and gloves and the holds my lip down while Tom stitches.

After a few minutes Tom is done and they switch because the braces could pull the stitches out and they need to change the brackets.

Carlos says " ok so this type of brackets is just smoother in the front so they won't pull at your stitches."

I give them a thumbs up and Carlos changes the brackets and colors which are a light pink to match my prom dress.

Once they are done Carlos says " ok you know the deal right?"

I nod my head and they let me go.

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