Raped part 2 ⚠️

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( trigger warning ⚠️ this includes mentions of rape you can skip this chapter if it makes you uncomfortable if you have Been through this I am here for you if you want to talk )

A few weeks later

I am waiting in the office to see Louis because I been having nightmares since the whole rape thing happened and he thinks he can help me with them and has an idea but first he wants to figure out why I am having them

In his office

We are talking about everything that happened and he says that people who go through this don't normally have nightmares and if they the nightmares only last a couple of days but mine have lasted weeks and he asks to see my journal and he then he says " ok Paige I want to do a sleep study with you for your nightmare because of everything that happened and then I can help with your nightmares."

I say " but won't the sleep study be messed up if I have a nightmare?"

He says " it won't because the way we are doing it is people who have nightmare we take a special medication called nightmare alert it's for us so we can view your dreams.

I asks " and it's safe?"

He says " it is but there is a trial we can do where we can see why your nightmares are happening and help you get through them and eventually you won't have them anymore "

I say " I want to do the trail so I don't have nightmares anymore."

He says " ok I just have a few questions then we can get started on the study and you need to sign a waiver because one person that did the trail now has night terrors and needs special meds for it ok?"

I nod my head and he then says " what is the cause of your nightmares?"

I say " being raped"

"How long ago did this happen?"

"A few weeks ago"

" And you know and understand the risks of the trail aka night terrors, uncontrollable dreams, not being able to wake up from said uncontrollable dreams until dream is over or you are woken up, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and highly unlikely uncontrollable bladder at night for the rest of your life if not treated right away."

" yes I know and understand the risks of the trial."

" who told you about this trial? Never mind and we are all set. So the study date is set for tonight and will go on until we figure out what ever is wrong with you. Here is a list of what you need to bring please these with you and whatever else you would like to bring."

He hands me the list and I ask " would it be ok if I bring a certain blanket and a stuffed animal or no?"

He says " yea those are both ok and I need your journal to look through and then we'll talk and if your not comfortable talking about it yet we don't have to we can wait till when ever your ready."

I say " I am not quite ready to talk about it yet."

He says " and that's ok how about we talk about school?"

I nod my head and say " ya that's good"

He says " so how has school been for you."

I say " good very stressful because of regents and SATS and finals."

He says " well if you ever need help just ask and we will help you with it and how about your friends are they good with you?"

I say " it depends on when I am with them like if it's just me and one of them we get along great but if we are all there together I get left out."

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