Glasses and trail

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I am in class and having trouble looking at my screen so I put on my blue light glasses but that doesn't help so I ask my mom to make an appointment with Zyan so we can see what's wrong.

Call Mom Zayn

Mom: Hi I would like to make an appointment for Paige Connington.

Zayn: Hi What's wrong with Paige?

Mom: she says she can't really she her computer screen she tried her blue light glasses but that didn't help.

Zayn: of course I can help her does 3:30 work for you guys?

Mom: 3:30 works great thanks for helping us out."

Zayn: no problem see you soon."

Mom: see you soon bye.

My mom ends the call and tells me I have to get ready and go because my appointment is soon.

At the office

I am sitting in the waiting room Zayn calls me to his room and says " hey Paige how you doing?" I say " Good besides the fact that I can't really see." He frowns and says "let's take a look and see what's wrong ya.?" I nod my head and we walk to a exam room and I sit the chair and he says "ok so I am just going to look on your eyes to see if I can tell what's wrong and we will continue ok." I say "ok." He shines a light in my eyes and mumbles something that I don't understand same with the other eye after a few minutes he says " ok your eyes are strained so I am just going to see what your vision numbers are ok?" I say " ok." He puts the weird thing in front of my face and turns it on and asks me to read from the 3rd line and I say " it's really blurry and he puts it up a notch and "says how is that?" I say " It's really clear now  he writes something down and changes it again I say "it's blurry again." And puts it back to the other setting I say "it's clear again." He pulls away the thing and says " ok so I am going to go get your glasses just wait here and I'll be back also Kendall is coming to talk about something I just don't know what ok?" I say "ok." He walks out then Kendall walks in and says "hey Paige how you doin?" I say "good besides needing glasses." Hey chuckles and says " well that's what I need to talk to you about. I am doing a study because a lot of people I treat been needing glasses and a few other NF doctors as well so I want to see if it is the type of medication they are taking." I say " ok but what does that have to do with me?" He says " well that's where you come in I need a trail patient and hopefully you'll be the patient." I say "well my mom makes that decision but I already have glasses so I don't know how to help with that." He says "well with the one your taking your vision will continue to get worse so we want to stop that in advance." I say "I am willing to do it but my mom needs to make that decision." He nods his head and Zayn comes back and Kendall says " Paige is ok with being the trail patient but I need to ask her mom about that." Zany says "Good and hands me my glasses and says " put them on I just choose the shape and color." I say " will you tell me how they look on me." Kendall says "of course." I put them on my they say "they look nice." I nod my head and say " my mom is outside in her car if you want to talk to her about the trail." Kendall follows me out and talks to my mom and she agreed so I go back tomorrow for the medication.

Week 1

Kendall Zayn and I are in Zany's office. Zany says "ok vision is the same as the begging of the week." Kendall says " pays attention and focused when in the medication, I don't see any problems." Zayn says " me either what about you Paige?"
I say " one thing my teeth have been hurting so I don't know if that's me or the medication." They sigh and we page Tom. Tom comes in and says " hey guys how's the trail going?" Kendall says " it's good but the only problem is that her teeth hurt." He nods and says " ok let's check it out." We walk to his room and I get on the chair he looks in and says " ok so from what I can see is that her gums are very inflamed." He says some words that don't make sense to me and they say " ok Paige we have to change the medication because something we were using were irritating your gums." I nod my head Zayn says " so while Kendall and I are fixing the medication Tom will fix your gums ok?" I nod my head and they walk out. Tom says " ok so this will hurt and I can't really do anything and someone can't be here we also can't have anything playing it's weird I know because it's a whole bunch of huge needles." My face pales are his words and I say " how many huge needles?" His faces softens and says " around 50 for the top and bottom so in total 100 and then a thing that goes around your whole mouth and has needles that pushes into your gums for 1 hour." I whimper and he says " I wish there was something that I could do but I can't. But if you blackout or pass out I'll continue and you'll wake up in a hospital room with an IV and if you don't which is highly unlikely because every time I do this everyone does you'll be carried there with and the same thing will happen. I nod my head and he says " let's get it over with ya." I nod my head again and he gently pushes me back in the chair puts restraints on me and puts a blanket on me and says " people try and get up during it so we have to do this and I put a blanket on people because it just calms them." I nod my head he says " ok put your head back and I'll strap you in and then put a prop in then get started." I put my head back and he gets me ready and says " If you want to try and sleep you can I just need to put the prop in." I nod my head and says "does my mom know what's going on?" He nods his head and says " she knows and is ok with you staying over night here just for us to keep an eye on you." I nod my head close my eyes he taps my lips I open and he sticks in the first needle I whimper.

99 shots later
I am still awake and he instead the last needle and says " Paige are you still awake?" I open my eyes and he says " Ok since your are let's get the last part done then you can sleep."  he up-straps my head and takes the prop out and says " since your awake  I'll give you some relief for right now and won't strap you back in for the thing because you were so good I nod my head as tears start to fall he sees and un straps me and pulls me on his lap hugs my and says "your almost done just another hour and your done." He rubs my back and I say " it's hurts so much I can't handle anymore needles." He rubs my back and says " I know I know but it has to be done or else it will get worse and you'll be in more pain." I nod my head he puts me back in the chair and gets everything out that he needs and the puts new gloves and says " ok Paige last thing then your done just put these glasses on and then we can start." I put them on and the whole place looks very dark I lean back he taps my lips and sticks the thing in I feel all the needles pushing in and out at a very slow speed.
I hear Tom take his gloves off and rubs my shoulders and says " close your eyes and try and sleep ok."

1 hour later

He takes out the thing and says "you still awake I nod my head and try to talk he shushes me saying " don't it will make the things worse." I nod my head and he picks me up and carries me to a room and sets me down in a bed with Harry following behind and he says " what happens to Paige." While Tom is doing the IV he says " something with the trail Paige is in. The medication messed up her gums so I had to fix them and now she had to stay over night." He nods his head and says " did you give her a relaxer and pain medication." Tom says " I only have her pain medication not a relaxer." Harry says " is it ok if you do because she looks pretty tried and it will put her right to sleep." Tom says " it is ok thanks for that." He inters the relaxer into my IV and says " don't fight it just close your eyes and sleep." I nod my head and am out like a light.

After a few try's with the medication and a few mishaps they find the right one and I am 100% ok

( I just want to say that none of this is true this won't happen ever just kinda came to me)

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