Torn ligament

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Trigger warning ⚠️ this has mentions of abuse rape starvation

Paige's POV

So I'm at the gym and the only reason I'm here is because my parents are very religious and said that since I was raped I have to be a stripper and a sex slave. This has been going on for a year and a half now. She had also been starving me and making me go to the gym a lot because I am too fat and not making her enough money.

I was doing leg lifts and I thought I pulled a muscle in my leg during the 1st rep after I did about 6 reps of that then I went to the treadmill and was running for about 2 hours and my leg started to hurt some more but since I could still walk on it I didn't think anything of it. After that I did the leg press and I usually do 6 reps of 50 of 50 pounds.

During the first rep I hurt my leg even more and couldn't even push the press up. A worker saw me struggling and ran over to help me. He pushed the press up and picked me up off the chair and put me on the floor.

" Hey my name is Mike are you ok?"
He says

I say " No I think I pulled a muscle or something in my leg and it hurts a lot."

" Is it alright if I touch the area to see if you pulled it or something worse?" Mike says

I say " yes just help me please."

He starts to feel around and move my leg and I moan in pain when he moves it a certain way.

He says " ok so I think you tore a ligament so I have to call 911 but first I am going to get a towel and water for you."

I say " don't call 911 I only trust Doctor Maslow. I have his number in my phone."

He gets me water and a towel then calls James.

"Hello is this Doctor Maslow?" Mike asks

"Yes this is how can I help you?" James asks

"Hi yes this is Mike Carbone calling from planet fitness one of your patients tore their ligament in their thigh and needs to go to the hospital but she said to call you. Is there any way you can get here or one of your colleagues to come get her quickly?" Mike asks

"Yes I'll be right over. Did you Elevate her leg. And give her water?" James asks

" No I didn't but is there anything else I have to do to help her?" Mike asks

" No there isn't but can you put her on the phone by any chance?" James asks

Mike says " Yes I can."

He passes the phone to me.
" Doctor Maslow speaking how can I help?" James says

I say " hi Doctor Maslow it's Paige."

James says " Paige? Are you ok? I am coming over as quick as I can."

I say " I am trying my best not to pass out and it hurts a lot."

James says " you'll be ok do you think your going to need help standing at all? Should I have someone come with me to help carry you?"

I say " I don't think I can walk but Mike has been staying with me the whole time."

James says " ok I'll be there in like 20 minutes"

I say " ok"

He hangs up and Mike asks " how are you doing?"

I say " my leg hurts a lot and I'm staring to get a headache."

"The doctor will be here soon. Hey I have a weird question was that James from Big Time Rush?" He asks

I say " I am getting dizzy."

Before he can say anything James came running in and says " Ok let's get her on a back board and a neck brace just because I know her history and want to be safe. Mike your going to help me get her to the ambulance ok? And Paige your telling everything in the ambulance what is happening cause you don't look like you."

I nod my head and Mike starts to help
out with everything. Once they get me on the board and into the ambulance and James says " So what happened because I know you don't go to the gym unless one of us would have told you to go to the gym?"

I say " my parents are making me go because I was raped and they think it's a sin to have sex before marriage and want me to wait and since they consider rape sex I am forced to do this. They made me quit my job and work as a stripper because I was asking for it. They starve me and make me go to the gym so I look skinny. And make random people fuck me so they can earn money."

James says " ok so you know I have to tell Louis Niall Harry and the cops everything and we'll fix this."

I say "But what if I get new parents and they don't let me go to you guys because I trust you guys a lot and it's easier for me to talk to you guys."

James says "we will make sure that doesn't happen ok?"

I nod my head and when we get there James gets me into the trama room and calls down Harry and Niall so they can start everything.

Harry asks " James what happened to her?"

James says " So basically her parents did a lot of shit to her and we need to get going I need a portable x-Ray an ultrasound and an iv hooked up stat. Niall she said her parents made her quit her job and now she's a stripper and a sex worker so I need you to give her an exam and make sure every is ok. Harry her parents have also been starving her and making her do crazy things at the gym, she is concerning light get her hooked up to iv fluids to get her electrolytes up and see if we can get the weight problem fixed"

After he is finished Niall starts the exam down there while Harry gets me hooked up to the iv fluids and Niall says " ok so good news and bad news. Bad news is she is definitely pregnant so we'll have to get her an abortion and she is very raw down there but the good news is that nothing needs stitches at all no tears or rips anywhere so when we get the chance we have to do that."

James does an x-Ray on my thigh and says " she definitely tore her ligament and it's bad so I'll have to do surgery on her leg and it'll take a long time to recover so we should get a move on right now."

Harry says " I already gave her a sedative with the electrolytes all we need to do now is get her to the OR and do everything."

They rush me to the OR and start the anaesthesia.

A few hours later

I wake up from the surgery and I see James there checking my thigh to make sure it's all ok. He sees that I'm awake and says "hey are feeling now"

I says " I'm super sore and my legs hurt."

He says "I'm sure of that and Niall did the abortion while in surgery so that we didn't have to do that later. Just get some rest for now ok Harry will be in soon with a special scale to help weight you."

I nod my head yes and try to go back to sleep.

30 minutes later

Harry walks in with a scale it kinda looks like a baby scale. He says " hey Paige how are you doing?"

I say "I'm tried and I just wanna sleep."

He says " I know but we have to get food in you and weigh you so we can get you back up to weight to a healthy one."

I says " I know and why does the scale looks like a big baby scale?"

He says "Because it is but I already know your 5'1 so we just need to get you up to a good weight"

I nod my head and he picks me up and lays me down on the scale and sighs
I ask "What's the weight"

He says " 30 pounds. Which is going to be a struggle to get you back up to weight."

He picks me up and lays me back down in bed and tucks me in and I say
" If it makes you feel any better I am starving. And kinda want a smoothie bowl."

He smiles and says " While it doesn't help your weight it does make me feel better but you can have a fruit bowl in a bit. I just need to talk to the guys first"

Part 2 coming soon

Sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been busy with college but good news I am updating more and will be getting part 2 out today hopefully

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