Broken wrist

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I am at bowling regionals and at during the baker and on my last turn I hit my wrist on my ball and hurt my wrist but I got a strike so it was worth it. When I get in the car I tell my mom what happened and she calls James and makes me an appointment.

At the office

I check in and wait for my name to be called when I get called in James walks in and says "ok so what happened?" I say " I was at bowling regionals and I hit my bowling ball on my wrist while throwing the ball. But I did get a strike." He says " ok so I'll like to get an X-ray on your wrist to see if it's broken or not and a few tests. So right now I am just going to feel your wrist and tell me when it starts to hurt. Ok? I nod my head and James tilts my head up and says "what's wrong? You look so sad?" I say " My wrist just hurts a lot and I am in pain because I hit it with a bowling ball." And i sniffle he rubs my shoulder in a comforting way and says " I know it does but it's protocol to feel around the area first then do an x-ray but I be as gentle as I can ok?" I nod my head and he starts to feel my wrist when he hits a certain spot I cry out in pain and he pulls his hand away and says " sorry but I think it's broken but I just need an X-ray to make sure that won't hurt at all ok?" I nod my head because the pain is to much for me to speak we walk to the X-ray room and he puts a led jacket on me so I don't get hurt from the radiation. He takes a few scans and we walk back to the room and he says " well I am right it is definitely broken so I will set it and put a cast on it put I will give you an IV with pain medication and then I'll get started any questions?" I ask " won't I get sleepy with the pain medication?" He says " you will so but I won't give you enough to fall asleep but you might be a little wonky from it ok?" I nod my head and he rubs my hand with an alcohol wipe and says " quick scratch ." He inserts in and he puts the IV in my hand and puts the medication in then says " ok if you feel any pain say so and I'll stop and give you not medication ok" I say " ok." And he sets it I didn't feel any pain and he says "what color cast do you want?" I say "purple and black." He wraps my wrist on plaster and says " ok so here is the pain medication prescription and don't get the cast wet come back in 3 weeks and let's see what happens with your wrist ok?" I say " ok" leave with the prescription and get in the car to go home.

3 weeks later

I am back at the office to get my cast off and talk to Louis about physical therapy for my wrist. I hear my name called and see James we walk back and we take another x-ray and he says " ok so I have some good news you can get your cast off today!" I say " yayy" he gets the saw and cuts off the cast then puts a brace on it.

Louis Room

I nock on the door and he opens it and says "hiya Paige what can I do for you?" I say " I just wanted to talk about physical therapy for my wrist." He nods his head and says " may I?" Nodding his head at my wrist I say " yes." He gently grabs my wrist and moves it around and says " I would like to start physical therapy tomorrow if that works with you if not find out when and we will figure out when we can start physical therapy." I say " I can do tomorrow I just can't do Saturdays 10 to 4 and Sundays 9 to 3 I work those days." He says " ok we can work around that."

The next day

I check in and take a seat and wait for my name to be called. 10 minutes later I hear my name called by Louis and he walks me to his room and we start he asks me to roll my wrist and move it up and down then he massages it. 30 minutes later were done and he says I can go home

4 weeks later

It's my last day of physical therapy and we made so much progress we are at the bowling alley and I am trying to get a strike without hurting my wrist again. I line my ball up with the arrow and throw the ball and get a strike and walk back to Louis and he says " ok your good to go and you no longer need it and physical therapy for your wrist also I was wondering if you could start writing in a journal/dairy and bring it in every time you come here just so I could look though it just to make sure your good?" I say " I'll try writing in a journal but I can't promise anything because I'll probably forget." He says "that's completely ok I understand just write in it when you feel down or unhappy and I can't get to you or when you just need to get feelings out because that's a good way not hitting your wrist on a bowling ball." I say " well I did not hit my wrist on my bowling ball to get my feelings out I didn't even mean to do it." He says " I know but this is what I mean if someone else said that to you and you could speak to me you could write it down." I say " ohh that makes sense now thanks." We say good bye and I go out and buy a journal.

Hellllp I have writers block and need help with some ideas if you guys could give me some that would be great

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