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"I can't help but to count the day.. GOSH! This is so exhausting!"

"About the Friday project again?"

"Yeah, I heard some gossip and they said that the project wasn't about any of our subjects"

"Cool! never heard like that before" Jungwon put the books inside his locker, after that the two walk alone towards the canteen since it's the place where they can meet Jake after the physics class ends.

"I wonder where's Jake hyung-" Sunoo look around but Jake isn't arrive yet "maybe the class probably not ending" Jungwon take their remaining seat while Sunoo went to order the lunch for himself and his friends.

Jungwon reads the news on his phone about the yesterday's incidents and he regret that he read it because he's starting to remember the blonde hair guy who had knock down his ice cream on the floor.

Sunoo is still on the line waiting to order his lunch at the back row, today's full of crowds. Because of boredom, Sunoo finally noticed why there's a lot of students unlike the other days.

Nishimura Riki...that black beanie guy is sitting alone on the back of the corner while girls sit on his surroundings, staring at the Japanese boy like he's a movie that they can't just stop watching. But he isn't bother at all like he doesn't care anyone of them

A chance? What chance¿..Sunoo sigh as he step forward, finally he's about to get the chance to order but he feel like someone keep on eyeing at him. So, he turn his head back to whatever direction and meet his eyes with his hero, Nishimura is watching at his every steps and action.

That deep, cold and empty eyes...why did Sunoo find that eyes so lonely? He keep on asking himself on why he just wants to fulfil the boy's emptiness. Sunoo blinks but the Black beanie boy doesn't even blink his eyes, looking straight at Sunoo's eyes

Girls finally notice who's their crush make eye contact with...Sunoo quickly look away and he order the lunch as fast as he could. He don't want to face new problems again and he know how much those girls like to bullied when their crush like someone else.

Jungwon put his phone back on his pocket and fold his arms, still waiting for his bestie to come back with their lunch. What took him so long? Jungwon sigh loudly and close his eyes, humming his favourite song lowly but get distract by

"Here....your mango choco chip ice cream cone"

Jungwon quickly look at the guy in front of him, he's wearing a Green beanie and directly stare at Jungwon's eyes


"Shh...take it" The Green beanie boy take Jungwon's hand and give the ice cream before he stand up "I don't want this from you, take back"

"Oh my God just take it..I buy this for you because-"

"Because what? apology?"

"Yes- NO- I mean-"

"Yeah a rich boy like you won't apologise to someone like me" Jungwon walk passing him as he saw Sunoo standing awkwardly behind the green beanie boy's back. The two went back to their classroom, leaving the green beanie boy on the canteen

Why am I even bought this at the first place? The fuck am I trying to apologize to someone? WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEH! That shit didn't even care about-

"Wonnie who is that guy?" Sunoo ask as he sit on his seat "I don't know that boy attended in our school, I saw him on the new amusement park and he....just forget it, I spent my money at nothing" Jungwon slam his book at the table, startling Sunoo and the other students.

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