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"Finally...normal class appear-"

"You're the only one who's having fun in going to school"

Sunoo slightly push his bestie while Jungwon stick his tongue out playfully. Jake just laugh at the two as Engene join him by pointing at the younger "They haven't fight yet?"

"Fighting everyday with words, sometimes verbal but they can't hurt each others. Maybe they just used to each other's behavior-" Jake explain to Engene before all of them sit on their own seats. Their boyfriends haven't arrived and they just agreed to wait for them in the classroom but Heeseung isn't going to attend the school

"Why...do they look at us like that?" Sunoo question as he noticee the stares from the other students. Jungwon also feel uncomfortable as he can hear the whispers about them in the room "Are they talking about us?"

Three students approach the boys with nervous and shaky legs while Jake, Jungwon, Sunoo and Engene tenses when all eyes are on them "Can we help you?" Jake ask but he want to disappear when the three students ask him back about something he find so hard to answer

"Did Park Sunghoon really killed three of our classmates because of you?"

Engene quickly shoot up from his seat and stand in front of Jake "What bullshit are you talking about? Who said that Sunghoon killed three students because of Jake?" Of course, Engene already know the truth but he dont want the others to blame on Jake "A-Ah ...because we....uhm-"

"If you don't know the truth then you should stop spreading those gossips or you'll dead by me, understand?"

They walk away but the stares and whispered of their classmates doesn't stop until the teacher came to take the normal class. As always, they can't pay any attentions on the lectures, only weird feelings and imaginations erupt their heads. Especially for Jake, his minds are floating around and he doesn't know how to face the others when everyone thought Sunghoon murdered three students because of him...but that's true and that makes it  even harder for Jake.

"Hyung, don't worry about it. It's not even your fault and even though Sunghoon hyung had killed them, he did it to save you. The thing is that, they deserved it and it's just a gossip, no evidence to prove that it's him and you" Jungwon explain and try to comfort the Aussie boy who slowly nod his head "Thanks Wonnie!"

Four of them walk inside the court to watch the basketball match where Niki, Jay, Sunghoon and Daniel are going to participate. The news don't really bothered the students after the principle explained to them that his three students died because of the secret Mafia in the city. (Well....he didn't know some of his rich students are the deadly Mafias)

"They almost start the game-" after sitting for 2-3 minutes, the two teams come out from the back door and stand on the middle to greet at the other students who are waiting for their match. It's just a school fun games, but they actually take as a true competition

"Look- it's them!" Sunoo points at their boyfriends standing at the court with serious faces "Hahaha!! What's with their faces?" The four boys laugh at their boyfriends who's still having an angry birds expression

Niki is the captain of the Red team while Haruto Watanabe is the captain of the blue team. They actually smirk to each others with evil stares before they fists bumped and start the game, cheerleaders are more chaotic than the ones who watch the match.

"Sunoo, wanna join the cheer leading team? They show themselves by wearing short skirts to win their hearts" Jungwon snickered as he also stared at the other cheerleaders being fangirling over his own boyfriend

"Huh....I swear I'm gonna look hot by wearing those short skirts more than them" Sunoo playfully sass while rolling his eyes with glares as his three friends look at him in wide eyes "Is that a bet?"

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