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"You kinda look sad, is there anything wrong?"

"N-no I'm fine, there's nothing wrong-"

Jisung began to put his hand on Jungwon's forehead but the younger backs away, the older is really kind to him and care about him too but Jungwon still love someone...only that duckhead who ruined his ice-cream

"Then...you can rest on your classroom now even though it's a total chaos haha-" Jisung pat the shorter's head and smile at Jungwon who's just smiling back at him "I don't know what's happening with you but take care of yourself..you look depressed-"

"I'll take good care of my boyfriend, you don't need to be so worry"

Jungwon turn around to face Jay who's standing behind him, looking at them with his poker face. Jisung smile at his classmate as he approach the boy "oh..looks like I took a step faster than you, unfortunately"

Jay clench his fist while listening to Jisung whispering on his ears while Jungwon watch the two tall boys in confusion. Jisung walk passing Jay but stop in a midway

"Hey Park Jongseong, don't neglect my warning...you know what- your little brother seems to be so whipped for the cute boy, right?"

Jisung smirk again at seeing the mad face of Jay and wave at Jungwon before walking away. Of course, Jay could never forget what the tall boy has whispered to him. Jungwon bit his lips as he look up at the older who's still glaring at Jisung

Jungwon sigh as he try to walk away but Jay stop him by grabbing his wrist "what are you doing? Let go of my hand- they're watching us" Jungwon pulled his hand as he glance around to see the other students are looking at them

"Please Jungwon..just hear me out"

"What else do you want to say?"

"You hate me?"

"No" Jungwon finally escape from the grip and run out from the school building, trying to avoid any suspicious look given by the students and Jay seems to still following him on his back

"Jungwon...please, stop ignoring me- I know about the misunderstanding, so let me explain!" Jay shout to the boy who finally stop from running away and still avoid to look at his boyfriend

"Then speak"

"I...I didn't planned to kidnapped you, it's not me, I will never hurt you because...they- me...I'm- I am..we-"

"I get it...you can't tell me, don't bother it" Jungwon rolled his eyes and left the boy, directly walking out from the main gate and already skipping the class but Jay won't give up so easily

"Yang Jungwon" Jay groan while grabbing the younger's shoulders with both of his hands and finally faced the boy. Jungwon scared at seeing the darken expression at the older's face "I want to tell you the truth but what if i say it out...will you accept me?"

"What...do you mean?"

"What if I tell you that I'm the killer in this city...will you still love me?"

Jungwon suddenly loosen his body as he look up at Jay, contacting each others eyes and the older want to hold him so badly because Jungwon's eyes are tearing up

"I love you hyung...I don't care who you are and what you do but I just need to know the truth. Whatever it is, I will accept it but please...I want the truth"

Jay soften his expression and brush off the tears that rolled down on the younger's cheeks "I'm so sorry Wonnie..I should've tell you the truth at first but I'm just too scared to lose you..sorry, I'm sorry please don't cry"

"Hyung...do you really work in the underground world?"

"Y-yeah hehe...guess what- i can't lie to you anymore" Jay scratch his nape with an awkward smile while Jungwon stare at him dumbfounded "okay...I'll show you something, lez gooo~"

[In the class]

Sunoo thought Jungwon had already arrived at the classroom but the younger hasn't even shown yet, he sit and wait for his best friend while Daniel sit at the backseat. The teacher finally attend the class and giving the lectures of what she need to give them

Sunoo fold his arms and stare at his front blankly, looking like he listen to the teacher but his brain doesn't seem to pay attention on the lectures. Finally, his space out moment get distract by the ball of paper hitting on his head

Sunoo look around to see if someone throw something at his head but most of them seems to sleep on the class, including Daniel at the backseat. He finally found the paper lying below him, so he pick up and it isn't just a piece of paper

Meet me at the back of this school building after class. - Niki

Sunoo widen his eyes and look back at the corner of the room, finally notice the Japanese boy who's staring back at him with his smug face. Sunoo glare at Niki and tear the piece of paper at the view of the Japanese boy while the one who just send the letter drop his jaw at watching Sunoo's sarcastic action


"Nishimura Riki, what's your problem? Why are you shouting at my class?" The teacher scold at the boy, making the sleepy students to be awake and hyperactive than before "Nishimura and Kim Sunoo... go to detention room. Now!"

"Wha- but I didn't do anything wron-" Sunoo scoff and about to explain it but the teacher cut him off by a dumb reason that he didn't done "Nothing? I saw you two sending each other's letters, so, detention for not paying attention in the class. Go!"

"But I didn-..fine!" Sunoo finally walk out from the classroom while glaring at this specific boy who just head out from the room as well with an unbothered expression.

The two walk together to approach the so called detention room. Sunoo is extremely nervous to be with Niki in the room alone since the assigned teacher in detention class always ignore them and lock them from the outside, after the time is end, he'll let them go home.

Niki look at Sunoo who's sitting beside the window and ignoring his existence after the teacher lock them up on the outside. The Japanese quickly shoot up from his seat and head towards the older who's startling and flinch at the action

"Wh-what are you doing? Let go of my h-hand-"

"Shut up!....please-"

Niki take a deep breadth with a heavy sigh and continue to pull up Sunoo from his seat. Suddenly, the Japanese boy carry the older in bridal style towards his seat and let Sunoo sit on his laps

The younger put his arms around Sunoo's waist and rest his head on the older's chest "please..let-..let me stay like this for awhile!" Niki say as he began to tightening the gripped

Sunoo feel his heart beating faster than it's normal pace but do he still has another choice? He love this boy anyway. Sunoo smile softly and put his arms around Niki while resting his chin on the younger's head as he continue to patting it softly by his hand

Niki can't help but to smile at the older's soft actions. The Japanese boy suddenly look up and deeply stared at Sunoo's eyes who is also looking back at him too

Niki raise his hand to palm the soft cheeks, Sunoo also shiver at the cold skin's attaching on his face. The older can feel the hot breadth as the younger's face getting more closer than before and even Sunoo happen to lean closer and stare at the lips "N-Niki...I-"

Before he could finish his words, Niki close the gap between their lips while Sunoo can't help but to gasps and make the younger's to take that as a chance to slip his tongue. Finally, Sunoo allowed him and kissed him back...


I think the first chap I published today seems to be boring and less vote than before😢but that's not why I make this story anyway😊

Thanks for reading this chap..if I made some mistakes, please ignore it😅because I didn't re-read it hehe

Lav ya ol♡♡♡

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