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"WHAT? Shit...I'm the only single one here"

Sunoo scoffed at the two couples having a sweet moments in front of his salad. "I'm going home"

"Wait hyung-"

"Don't worry Jungwonnie, everything will be alright. I just need to go home because my annoying sister kept on spamming my poor phone" still, Jungwon hold his hand again "but I can't let you go home by yourself-"

"Am not a baby here Wonnie! I came here alone at the first place..it's fine and don't cry okay? And don't forget to inform me about grandma if there are some news" Jungwon nodded as the others also wave at Sunoo while Jay quickly text someone making his Jungwon looking at him confused

"Even if your bestie does want to go home alone, my dongsaeng will never let him-"

"You know what...I'm getting more confused than before"

"Aww my baby, I'm just saying that you don't need to be so worried about Sunoo...means there is some protective bodyguard for your bestie, that's all"

"It's even confusing like that..who is this bodyguard?" Jungwon ask as he look more worried than before, Jay can't hide his laugh anymore and he burst out "I-...never mind, you don't have to tell me at all, I'll just figure it out by myself"

Sunghoon sit on the waiting bench while watching the new couple with that plain expression. Jake rest his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, smiling at JayWon, he find them so adorable and happy. After that, the JakeHoon couple fall asleep since they still wait for Mrs. Yang to wake up.

"If someone ever rest their heads on my bro's shoulder, they would be dead by now but Jake is different, Sunghoon will give him everything he has...maybe even his own life"

"Really?" Jungwon ask in amusement while Jay find the boy even more cute "yes..because Jake still chose to stay with Sunghoon after he knew who he is"

Who he is? What does he mean by that-

Jungwon raise his eyebrows especially when Jay faced him and "I wish you could do the same too" Jay then quickly change the subject before it goes too far.

You deserve better Wonnie...because we're just the murderer that you've been hating so much..

Sunoo step out from the hospital as he wait for random taxi to use, thinking why would his sister want him so much to go home right now while Grandma is sick? Stupi-

"Still waiting for the caps?"

"Niki? What are you doing here?" Sunoo look at the Japanese boy who's approaching him with his hand on his pant's pockets. Cool boy but mostly he look like an asshole troublesome. "Just...taking a walk"

"Then good luck with that" Sunoo smile as he continue glancing around for taxi, tapping his foot and repeatedly watching the time, it's getting more late now. Niki step forward as he wave his right hand to stop the taxi, Sunoo think like that cap is in command.

Niki open the door and let Sunoo get inside the vehicle first, after that he follow him too. Sunoo stared at Niki in confusion because the Japanese boy literally sit beside him, the two silently take the ride but Sunoo can't help but to ask Niki

"Why...are You sitting here? I mean I thought you said that you're taking a walk?"

"I'm asking myself that too" Niki reply as he stare at the front with that blank expression. Sunoo look at the boy beside him before he move at the corner, peeking outside from the window while Niki glance from the other side.

The two arrived soon, without farther explain, Niki pay up the taxi fare and the cap ran off "I can do that too why would you paid-"

"Shut up and get inside your house"


"I know sweetcheeks and before I kiss you...go home" Sunoo glare at Niki for pinching his cheeks again "YAHH how old are you to call me sweetcheeks and demand?"

"Am about to be sixtee-"

"HAHA WHAT THE FUC- that was so funny, a boy younger than me just casually flirts with meh? Look kiddo, call me hyung...say 'Sunoo hyung' now?"

"Comparing my attitudes with your's....you're a baby. So there's no reason for me to call you hyung, babyboy"

Sunoo widen his eyes at Niki's words including those naughty stupid smirks. If he keep on playing the victim's role, he'll get defeated by this handsome young asshole...then Why not play along the game

"So if I'm a baby boy...are you my daddy?"

Niki almost taken back at that teasing question but Nishimura Riki will never lose on Kim Sunoo

"Maybe it'll be true...but next time, I'll be your Master and you're gonna be the sexy cute slave, Kim Sunoo"

Niki then walk off, leaving the boy standing alone in front of their house. Sunoo's start clenching his fist as he watch the Japanese boy staring back at him again with a smirk..

I will never be your slave when you didn't love me at all Nishimura

Sunoo sigh faintly before he goes inside his house, meeting his older sister standing infront of him with her hands on her waist "Noona, is there anything more emergency than Grandma's illness? Why did you called me like that?"

"First of all...who's that boy?"

"What boy?"

"I saw you, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. So who is the boy you talked with on the outside?" His sister eyed him with that strictly manner "he's...no one"

"Really? I couldn't hear anything but I can read his face ya know-" Sunoo cut her off as he walk pass his sister "I know what are you tryna say, so please don't say it"

Because that boy just playing with my feelings and his face clearly show it..

Sunoo ran towards his room and lock the door before his sister burst inside while she just stand there watching his brother's moody mood.

"I'm trying to say 'that boy is whip for you' yeah whatever. You two will end up dating anyway, brother, his face clearly show it"

She don't know if her brother hear her or not, still she just shrugged it off. Meanwhile, Sunoo lay flat on his bed and tears streaming down on his puffy cheeks. And..

Only if he knew that he's going to face more problems because of Niki..


I think this chapter is boring😕

Sunki couple's has more dramas in this story, and have many plot as well. So you need to be patient and you'll find out Niki's true feelings soon, it is already obvious anyway but...okay I can't spoil that much haha😂😅

Lav ya ol♡♡♡

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