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" we have a new mission, literally a competitive hunting with the other Mafia. We'll try to get the Galaxy diamond in the City Museum.... before them"

The diamond that every underground workers would love to steal or get is extra worthy. And Heeseung will surely want to get that for his family. The others are silently listening to him, some are extra excited because they're going to be more rich than before

"Aren't you all already rich? Why do you still want to steal that from the government?"

Sunoo ask with a bit sassy tone on his voice, everyone stay silent and stared at Sunoo with wide eyes. Niki grin awkwardly and sneak his hand around Sunoo's waist to pull him a bit closer

Heeseung blinked his eyes repeatedly before looking at Jay, Sunghoon and Niki "Have I ever told you three about not to bring them in secret meetings?"

The said three boys just gulb and smile to their eldest brother while Heeseung continue to dig them with his strict vibes. Jungwon slowly raise his hand, making Jay a bit stiffened

"Heeseung hyung, you can continue your so called meeting, pretend like we never attend here. We just wanna know more about what the four of you used to do. That's all, thanks"

Jungwon smile to them for last before dragging Jake and Sunoo with him out of the EN- Mansion. Niki pout while watching Sunoo disappeared, Jay just sigh and act normal again while Sunghoon put his poker face because he felt the sudden emptiness when Jake leave him. The three boys literally act like their boyfriends actually left them for real

"I understand you all but don't show your weakness towards me" Heeseung calmly say that makes the boy to straighten their poses and pay attention more on the meetings

"Heeseung hyung is our main problems here" Jungwon huff out with a loud scoff and frown slightly. Jake just nod his head while Sunoo smile cheekily "But...our boyfriends were on our control, they will do anything for us, I'm sure we can get more informations from them"

"Without asking, Sunghoon always told me about their missions...I guess it's even easier for me. How about you Jungwon?" Jake ask again while looking at the younger who shook his head "Jay hyung....I- huizzz my boyfriend is dumb, he take his jobs seriously, never inform me about the mission because he's scared I'll be in danger again but just saying doesn't harm me. That's why he's dumb"

"I think we need to do this by ourselves"

"First of all, let's find out the profile of Engene, pictures, age and stuff" Jake exclaim and Jungwon suggest someone who can help them "How about Daniel? "

"Why him?" Sunoo pout at the name because he still felt the guilt for Daniel. Jungwon just blinked his eyes, he suddenly understand the older again "But who else can help us in this? Who's good at hacking?"

"ME!!" The Aussie boy happily raise his hand but the two youngers ignored him and thinking for other person who can give them some info of Engene "I think .....my cousin is the best option right now? Geonu hyung is quite intelligent in computing since he played games a lot hahahaha I'm kidding but he's good at hacking other's social media"

Jungwon take out his phone and directly call for his cousin, Sunoo and Jake also pay more attention on the phone "Oh..Hello?.....hyung ahahaa I have something to ask you ya know- oh I mean how are you hehe?....I'm fine too yeh. Can you search for someone? Really important and a secret, the name? Engene-"

"You mean....this type of vehicle Engine? Why on earth would an engine has some profile- like ages and height? I guess..staying with Sunoo makes you idiot-" Sunoo make a disappointed face and feel offended by the older's words but they always take this as a joke tho...Jungwon and Jake try their best to not laugh at Sunoo who sass back

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