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"So...you're saying that you wanna run away with me?"

Jake turn his head towards Sunghoon who is back hugging him and continue cuddling like he will never let it go "Yea, but I can't leave my brothers, they're the reason why I'm here alive...let me just treasure this moment"

"Hoon....is Niki really just playing with Sunoo?" Jake ask but Sunghoon shot up from the bed and stare at the Aussie boy with knitting eyebrows "While I'm really stressing out about us...you're asking me about Niki and Sunoo? I don't know anything"

"Awe you're such a kid....I'm just asking" Jake reply as he sit next to the pouting ice child "I'm not really sure if Niki plays Sunoo or not but it's obvious that he likes him. And I'm afraid they'll end up on breaking each other's hearts" Sunghoon finally tell with a heavy sigh. Jake smile towards him as he cup the ice boy's cheeks with his hands

"See...you also care about them just like me!" Jake chuckle at seeing Sunghoon out of words "Yah- you start liking to t-tease me this days...let me-" Sunghoon murmured and then suddenly attacking Jake with a lot of neck kisses.

"Hey it's ticklish H-Hoon stop it-...it's tinkling hahaha" Jake is weak at this kind of war, he can't stop giggling because of tingling feelings. Sunghoon really love to tease his baby and he's going to cherish all this little moments they spent together "Jakey I-"

And he get distract by his lovely BROTHER "Fucking- Jay what do you want?"

"Hello- oh..wow wow wow- let me guess, do I just block your holy d-"

"No stop-...okay Why are you calling me?" Sunghoon is going to lose his patience soon if Jay keep on laughing his ass off. Jake knows that the two will end up funny brother-fighting again, so he leave them alone on the room "Jakey wa- WHAT THE HELL- JAY already say why are you fuckING CALLING ME?"

"Oh my God, I think I'm doing the worst mistakes..So, Heeseung hyung want us to the En- mansion for planning of next mission. You come or not, hyung will cut that junior of your's.You're choice! Bye bye" Jay cut off the line, making Sunghoon to throw the vase at the wall.

"Hoon what's wrong?" Jake quickly burst inside the room when he heard the item's shattered sound "I...I'm just annoyed and m-mad" Sunghoon slowly leave the bed and take his jacket along with the keys. Jake as well approach the boy with sweet hug and let Sunghoon rest on his shoulder for awhile

"I'll wait you here and don't neglect your work because of me or else....I won't let you go to work again" Jake wink at the ice boy before he push him out of the apartment. Sunghoon can't help but to adore his adorable boyfriend "I'm so lucky to have you,Jakey-..I'll be back soon bye!"

The two wave to each other, finally, Sunghoon get back to his work place. The great team's mansion which is hidden in the city on the underground where people think that it's just a normal rich mansion but which is actually where the killers used to work and plan for next missions.









"Thanks for saving me today, I appreciate it so much and I'm so sorry for disturbing you-"

"No need to apologize....I'm just doing what I need to do"

"How can I pay you back? Because you literally saved my life...I owe you!" Sunoo ask happily, Daniel can't reject it "Well then...how bout you buy me my favourite ice cream?"

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