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"oh my gosh...I already said that I took some shortcut"

"There is no short cut road for this house and you can't arrived without passing that street hyung"

Jungwon glared at Sunoo again, eating his cereal slowly and of course he is mad because he went to the alleyway to search for Sunoo at night alone since the older told him he's gonna visit after school and scared the shit out of the damn lonely street...but Sunoo arrived at Jungwon's house while the younger was out there for him

"You can't lie to me hyung" Jungwon smirk..Sunoo gulp

"Okay-" Sunoo take a long deep breadth and stare at the younger first "he gave me a ride"

"He? Your superhero? That Japanese boy? What the fuc-" Sunoo quickly shut Jungwon using his hand while the younger pull down and continue talking "but why didn't I saw you? Well...I slightly saw you but with a doubt though and did you threatened him or something like that?!"


Sunoo pout at the younger's words "wonnie...you know I won't do that. Even if it's true...we're gonna looked like a mouse threatening a stray cat"

"A mouse and a stray cat hahah!! Okay I'm just joking, sorry hyung...by the way I think he likes you"

"Suddenly?" Sunoo facepalm at the younger words but after realizing "Does he like me? Wait...he won't uhh but maybe?"

"Of course he didn't like you" Jungwon role his eyes "Don't get a high hope but don't lose it either....I don't want you to give up and break your own heart just because of him...please hyung!"

Sunoo nod his head with a kind smile and hug Jungwon before the two were called by their grandma

"Wait Wonnie your phone-" Sunoo pick up the younger's phone and stare at the caller ID "take the call and I'll go to grandma" since it's an unknown, Jungwon literally want to throw his phone...thinking that it's the guy who bought him a full load of ice cream in a van

He reject the call and about to enter his grandmother's room, the same number keep on calling him. Sunoo eye at the younger because the call can be somewhat really important to answer but Jungwon still look annoyed

"What do you want?"

" jungwonnie is this you?"

" jake hyung? hyung- JAKEPUP HYUNG WHAT THE- shhh hyung don't shout"

"Yes it's me-" Jake can hear Sunoo shouting from the other line "listen...umh this is my new contact number and I want both of you to-"

"Where are you right now hyung?"

"Uh-.." Jake is about to answer it but Park Sunghoon just come out from the bathroom, finished taking shower and water dripping from his wet hair make him...extremely more HOT than it's already.

"Jake hyung? Can you hear us? HYUNG!"

"I'll come to Jungwonnie's house and I will tell you everything okay?"


While putting his new phone on his bag, Jake wear Sunghoon's black hoodie and ready to go home but Sunghoon keep on starring at him while he dress up "Sunghoon I-...I need to go now, thank you so much for everything and I'll pay you back-"

"On what?"

"Money?" Jake can pay back with a lot of money but he somehow know that this ice boy doesn't need money. Sunghoon wear the clothes and slowly approaching the Aussie boy

The 4 Mafia's Lovers [ENHYPEN]✅Where stories live. Discover now