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Jake put his backpack on the coach as he examine his new apartment, it's bigger than the old one, fresh and beautiful. White and dim orange furnitures, it is just so cute and this room reminds of his dog at Australia.

Jake stare down the street from the window and while looking around, he can see where Jungwon and Sunoo lives. The Aussie boy is so happy to be near with his best friends. Jake flinch as he feel the arms around his waist since Sunghoon just back hugging him so suddenly.

"You almost scares me-"

"Sorry babe...right- how do you think about this apartment?" Sunghoon ask as he rest his head on Jake's shoulder while tightening his grips. "I like it, this room is so cute and fresh...thank you so much Hoonie"

"Welcome my Jakey! You can go check around the others...I'm gonna play games on your phone" Sunghoon again quickly give a peck on Jake's cheek as he can't stop making the boy blush. Jake teasingly glare at the pale boy who's walking towards his backpack so he approach the bathroom first

Sunghoon knows Jake's password, why not- it's a boyfriend things. He look at the gallery, watching their selfies together but mostly..the file is filled with many pictures of one dog. He's trying to start playing the game but "Jakey? You have two missed calls and 3 messages from Jungwonshi"

"Really? let me look-" Jake ran towards Sunghoon as he take his phone, his eyes wide open after he read the text "Oh my God what a fool I am...I should have read the chat quick but I -.....he will be so worried and sad" Jake eyes tear up and quickly pick up his wallet from the bag

"Hoon please take me to the Seoul hospital..Now"

Sunghoon quickly nodded his head without asking and the two ran out from the newly apartment. Soon, they arrive the place and search for awhile "the messages were sent at about 3 pm...and now it's almost 7 pm, I think I still have the chance"

Jake said as he finally found the right nurse who has just told him that Mrs Yang has also already done the surgery just an hour's ago. Sunghoon and Jake quickly approach the ICU and they meet Sunoo sitting at the outside with that teary eyes and puffy cheeks


"Jake hyung-" Sunoo stand up and greet his friends "How is she? Did they succeeded?" Sunoo nodded and reply while almost burst out crying "The doctor said that she could have died if we were late but now she's fine...thank God! I was so worried to lose her"

"Glad to hear that but where's Jungwon?"

"He ran out just minutes ago, don't you meet him?"

"I guess we went on different direction...then why did..he ran out?" Jake ask again since Sunoo look so serious "Wonnie told me that a guy name Park Jongseong paid all the bills for grandma's surgery and also for three oxygen at once, have you ever heard a name Park Jongseong before?"

"No...never heard that name before" Jake shook his head as Sunoo also thinks for someone who could've been paid for them while Sunghoon stand still on his spot with that dumbfounded expression

"And after that Wonnie ran out to search for him, but I think it'll be hard to find a stranger in the city"

"Yeah right and we need to thank the guy since he literally save our grandma"

"But our Jungwonna is unhappy about this" Sunoo suddenly say as Jake and Sunghoon stare at him with confusion "why? He's mad because someone helped him?"

"No it's not like that Sunghoon hyung, our Jungwonnie is really glad and thankful to this guy for saving his grandmother and he will try to pay him back no matter what.. but he don't like using other's money especially if they're strangers, they help them suddenly and then a debt, i can't say all his past life but since he's my best friend. I know his feelings about this kind of thing" Sunoo said seriously as Jake also agree with the words while Sunghoon sigh faintly..

Good luck bro, your love is coming to kick your ass..

Jay sit under the moonlight, he doesn't know why he's in there doing nothing. It's dark and silence, thinking that no one would find him but he's wrong...Jungwon is standing there with a paper on his hand, Jay knows what it is and he clearly understand that Jungwon is mad just by seeing those knitting eyebrows and red eyes.

"Okay okay..I'm Sorry for using my money for the bills without asking for your permission first and-" Jay gulp slowly when Jungwon walk closer to him without smiling or at least another expression? "...you know what, I just can't watch you crying and being so sad like that. So I want to help you and -"

Jungwon is now infront of Jay, still standing with that mad face and ask "Why?"

"Because.." Jay stop, right, he can't lie anymore or else Jungwon will hate him even more, would he?

"Because I love you Yang Jungwon, I can't see you getting hurt...I know okay- I know you don't like me back and you h-hate me too but I really lov-" Jay stop his word, he want to cry and shout so loud about his feelings right now for everyone to hear. He thinks the time is stop and everything stay froze on their place, while his heart's start beating so fast, abnormal pace because why not?

Jungwon just kiss him..on his fucking lips and it is soft, Jay just describe it like a sweet marshmallow on his head while feeling those cute plumb lips of his love's

"Promise me..that you will never leave me" Jungwon say while tears falling down on his cheeks, Jay slowly brush off those little tears with his thumb "I promise Jungwon, I will never leave you and I will protect you until the end of my life"

The two smile widely along with that happy tears and hug each other so tightly like they don't want to let go, "Wait...does this mean you..l-like me b-back? Is this a dream? Am I right?"

"You're so dumb, you know that?"

"Yeah..a dumber one for you, only you"

Jay grin widely as he's showing all his front teeth, Jungwon playfully slap his arms and then suddenly having that serious face again "Follow me and let's go back to the hospital"

"Why? Are you sick or-" Jay ask dumbfoundedly as Jungwon stare at him with that duh face

"You Dumbo...my grandmother and my best friends deserve to be the first one to know who is my boyfriend"


Yo finally JayWon superior😈😍😙😗

I'm free now so I'll update more often and regular, stay tune my favourite cutie pies and mangoes♡♡♡

Lav ya ol

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