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"I don't understand"

"I get it, Niki do likes you and he's Jealous"

"Jealousy~Stan MonstaX bish"

"Not the time"

"No in the long way he don't like me at all" Sunoo sigh "and he's not jealous, he's ignoring me again because maybe I'm just.... too annoying"

The three walk out from the school, directly to their way back home.

"Yea...it's best if you don't have too much hope on him, he do look like a player"

Sunoo again heavily sigh, he feels like he's just being clowning himself. After Niki left the group chat, he's been ignoring Sunoo all the time. The latter really want to know why this Japanese boy act so weirdly at every single minute? He looked like he care and do like for Sunoo and suddenly he acted cold and distance towards Sunoo again. It sometime pains him for having a little hope on the black beanie boy


The three boys look at the direction where the voice came, Sunghoon has been waiting for Jake all the time. Sunoo and Jungwon teasingly glance at Jake who can't literally hide his blush cheeks

"I'll just-"

"Go on hyung!"

"Have a nice date uwu!"

Sunoo and Jungwon watch Jake approaching Sunghoon near the school gate, after that Jake wave at his two best friends and drive off with Sunghoon.

"I wish I can be like them"

Sunoo say with dreamy eyes, imagining something on his mind while Jungwon laugh at his hyung all the time

"Well...your wish is fulfill now" Jungwon smirk as he point at the other side of the gate, "what do you mea-" Sunoo look the side where Jungwon is pointing at and there...he's crush is standing while hiding something on his back.

"I don't want to be a fucking third wheeler here so...good luck hyung! See ya~"

"Wait JUNGWON DON'T LEAVe me here and he's gone"

Sunoo pout while watching his bestie disappear out of the view with a creepy smile on his face. But Sunoo can't hide his smile because Jay is following Jungwon on his back without the notice of the younger....wait where the hell Jay did came out from?

Niki is approaching Sunoo who's still froze on his spot because his damn crush is walking towards him...should I just runaway? Why is he smirking all the time-

"Here" Niki is handing a Fox plushie to Sunoo...."This plushie....where did you got this?" Sunoo widen his eyes as he stare at Niki with confusion while the Japanese boy just shrug and trying to walk off

"This foxy plushie is one of the winning price I had tried to won in the new amusement park...HOW?"

"Wow, I just accidentally walked passed t-the...never mind, just take it"

Niki finally walk away from Sunoo but he's wrong, Sunoo is following him on his back. "Why do you follow me? Go to the tall kid again-"

"You mean Daniel?"

Niki groan as he roll his eyes "Yeah...go to that tall dumbDaniel, I don't care"

"But I have something to ask you-" Sunoo keep on following Niki who's still trying to walk away "Are you like those bitches who can't leave me alone?"

"What?" Sunoo finally stop his track and stare at Niki "Don't be like those girls who keep on following me around, such a bitch-"

"I'M NOT A BITCH" Sunoo yelled with teary eyes "I just wanted to know why did you act like this to me, Niki, are you playing with my feelings?"

"What nonsense is that?" Niki fold his arms as he look at Sunoo with confusing expression while Sunoo just want to throw the Fox plushie to The so called Nishimura Riki's face

"I'm literally asking you if you play with my feelings or not Nishimura...sometimes I thought you like me back because you act sweet and caring and then suddenly you look like you hate me more than anything and then you give me something to make my hopes up again and then you're trying to walk away from me again and... and you-"

Sunoo is cut off by Niki who walk towards him with an emotionless expression, Sunoo slowly step back and almost stumble because Niki is too close to him.

Suddenly Niki hold Sunoo's waist with his left hand and slowly tracing down Sunoo's cheeks with his right fingers "Pretty eyes aren't allowed to drop the tears infront of Nishimura Riki"

Niki's face getting more closer to Sunoo who thought this Japanese boy is going to kiss him, well the said boy is actually teasing him and then back off

"You're cuter when you get flustered, you Baby Cheeseball Boy"

Baby Cheeseball Boy? The Fuc-

Sunoo open his eyes as he look at Niki smirking at him and backing away slowly from him. Sunoo clench his fist and fold his arms

"I guess...you might need to used the bathroom soon"

Sunoo say confidently with a teasing smirk plastered on his face, he flip his non-existing long hair and walk away instead, making Niki look dumbfounded on his spot.

The Japanese boy raised his eyebrows as he watch Sunoo disappeared as well...what is he talking about?-

Oh right...

Niki groan again while looking down...

"Damn you! Mr. Bulge-"


Sorry for making this chap short because I have something important to say here but still hope you like it😊

Okay let start-

Does someone is allowed to write down his/her imagination?

I'm a Political Science student, I may know a lot about the rules and laws too...actually I'm saying this because

I was wrong or should I say I'm wrong for making the minor boys as the main character in an illegal story, I clearly know about this and I apologize for it, am so so Sorry

But...as one of the lowest author in wattpad, I might also have the rights to write down my imaginations and share to the readers who explore the works as well. As a law and rules, I warned in the first page already, saying that this stories or my stories have mature contents...if you hate it, just leave and stop reading it

I want to share my imaginations with my beloved co-engenes readers and to enjoy my work in here but not to always reminding me that Enhypen members are all minors and illegal bla bla bla..I know, I already know all of the members before they become an Idol. So what? I'm sorry that I cannot complete your good taste in my poor story

But I will not stop writing because some of my cutie pies and mangoes beautiful readers love my works, I will continue because of them and I want to thank them for supporting my poor stories and love till today💙❤💜💓💛💚🌸

As a thanking gift and because of our one and only R.A.S Prince

Happy Birthday Jay😘😚😙

Because of him, I'm going to publish the new story today

The Prince of EN-

3 chapters out at once😉

And also after completing this Mafia story, I will publish

The Zombie [Enhypen]

Thank you all and love you so much😁❤💖😘

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