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Jungwon walk out from the GCC shop with a small smile on his lips, he doesn't understand why and the reason of his smile. And he kept on repeated many times in the past days that he shouldn't fall for it

Footstep, footsteps, and Jungwon know who's footsteps are those. Jay still following him even after arriving the bus stand. Jungwon turn around, facing Jay with a glare

"How many times do I need to repeat that stop disturbing me? Why do you act like this Mr. GreenMelon?"

"I just-" Jay scrap his nape as he stare at the short boy with shy smile while Jungwon watch him with that 'Hurry up' face "..just..uh..I want to know more about you"

"You stalked me, I don't think you need more information"

"Yeah right I know a lot but I mean...I want to be friend with you"

Friend? Just..

Jungwon huffed as he look away "I don't want to be friend with the one who destroyed my ice-cream but since Jake hyung will be sad for sure, I'll just agree with It but...one thing, don't act like this and stop following me nor disturbing me too"

The bus arrived, Jungwon just step inside the vehicle without giving a glance to Jay. He thought that he leave the Green beanie boy but this Jay just casually sit next to him



"Sorry" Jungwon apologise to the elder in the bus because of been shouting too loud. The younger glare again at Jay and start whisper shouting "what the fuck are you doing here?"

"You know what..you're too young to cuss so freely"

"You know my age?- oh right, you stalked me but still why are you still following me? Don't you have a home?" Jay still smile at this situation that makes Jungwon pissed off even more "you said that we can be friends and now your friend wants to hang out with you"

"Fuck off, it's late and there's no time to hang out. I don't have time"

"Oh..just sitting with you is enough to called as hang out"

"Arggg you're so annoying!" Jungwon fold his arms as he look out the window "you're really cute when you act so grumpy" Jay say while looking at the younger with that naughty smile,  Jungwon quickly give the older some glare before he avoid the GreenMelon stares

"You're dumb"

"A dumber one for you"

"Don't flirt with me, I warn you"

"Then what are you gonna do about it?"

Jay just being close with Jungwon, their faces were only inches apart. Jungwon widen his eyes as he stare at Jay without moving

"Just kiss already, you two have so many dramas only in 5 minutes" the old woman sitting on their back said that makes the two quickly move away from each others with a blushing cheeks "tsk tsk tsk...kids nowadays"

The two stop speaking, both of them look at the other side and literally avoiding the stares. Jay didn't noticed why he acted like this towards this boy all the time, even Jungwon shush him, yelled, cuss and glares him many times, why can't he just leave this boy alone? Jay can't stop questioning about his feelings and the thing that he always want to be with this so called grumpy Yang Jungwon who had kicked him on his leg because of ice-cream...

Jungwon suddenly walk out from the bus when it stop, leaving Jay again but this beanie boy will always follow as we had known before. "Where is your house?" Jungwon ask with an annoying tone after they walked passed the alleyway

"So far away"

"Fuck off on the so far away, I'm going home"

Jay watch the boy about to get inside the house, with a sad little pout appear on his lips, he turn around to leave but..

"Hey GreenMelon!"

Jay quickly look at the direction and see Jungwon standing in front of the open door

"Be c-careful when you go home...goodbye"

The door shut as quick as a lighting, Jay widen his eyes and just froze on his spot with a loud thumping on his chest...and finally having a bright smile, wide and okay loud- not gonna lie cus he shout out loud on how happy he is

Jay clearly knows that the alleyway near Jungwon house is extremely dangerous and he also know that the boy is scare to pass that street. So he came all that way just to...protect Yang Jungwon

Jungwon watch the Green beanie boy jumping so happily at the outside of his house and he can't help but to smile as well.

I shouldn't but I can't....I hate and love him at the same time, I'm just afraid he will leave me after I give him everything I have and all my trust...just like my parents did to me

Jungwon wipe his tears and close the curtain since Jay already walked away. "Wait a second.....Grandma?"

Jungwon walk inside his grandmother's room, she isn't on the inside and he approach the bathroom again to check but no sign of his grandmother

"Grandma! I'm home~ where are you? Don't play hide and seek, you know I'm bad at this game...so please show up? Grandma?" Jungwon hopefully shout out to call her but it is silence, even after he doesn't speak a single words...all he heard was a faint birds chirping.

And he is scare...to be alone again

"Grandm-maa...where are you?" Jungwon just stand still without knowing what to do but after few minutes, an unknown number is calling him and right now he isn't in the mood to argue with Jay but he still accept it


"Oh hello? Are you Yang Jungwon?"

"Yes...who are you?"

"I'm one of the nurse from the Seoul hospital, your grandmother is now admitted on the ICU, and since your the only relative...we need your approval for her surgery, it's an emergency So please come to the hospital now"

Jungwon thought that his grandmother was just catching cold and fever but she was sick...really sick and this boy finally burst out crying...this young boy doesn't deserve all this shitty loneliness.

He ran and ran, using taxi and then arrived afterwards with all his pocket money. But then...the doctor told him that his grandmother will face the surgery only if he paid the bill first, what the fuck- how could they expect so much money from this teenager boy aishh

If he call Sunoo, he's same as him, they didn't have much money to borrow while Jake can clearly do it for him but the Aussie boy can't pick up the calls. Gosh- Jungwon is so give up and hopeless here, his grandmother's chance of life is low if she don't face that quick surgery

He cried on the outside of the room, some people around them watch him with pity expression without knowing or asking why...

"Mr. Yang Jungwon..can you sign here as an approvement for Mrs. Yang surgery?" The male nurse hand him the pen and the board "Wait...b-but they said I need to pay the bill first?"

"Oh- no need to worry, someone already paid the bills...just minutes ago"


This chap is literally JayWon special cus I missed their little moments so much😅hope you like it👍😆

Lav ya ol 😘❤❤

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