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"Please tell us what they did to you?"

"I-..I'm sorry but can I talk alone with Jungwon and Jake hyung?"

"Sure, it's okay" Sunghoon, Jay and even the nurse give some alone time to the trio "Jay...where's Niki? I thought he stand there with the tall kid"

"Should I call him?" Jay take out his phone from his pocket as he dial the number "Wait...Heeseung hyung is calling me- what the hell is wrong with him to call at this time?"

"Hello hyu-"

"You and Sunghoon...at the meeting room. Now!"

"Wow-" Jay and Sunghoon stare each other as they don't really know why they hold a meeting at the time of school "I guess Niki's there too"

Sunoo take a deep breadth before he spill everything "They said that I seduced Niki, making him to like me and also,they told me to stay away from Niki-"

"Fuck those ugly b-"

"Wonnie let him finish" Jake chuckle at the younger, calming his anger by patting his back "who are they to demand Sunoo hyung to stay away from his crush?"

Sunoo giggle at seeing Jake trying his best to calm down Jungwon, almost forgetting what had just happen to him at minutes ago "It's okay Won, that's my fault for loving him-"

"Don't say that Sunnie, you have the right to love whoever you want and no one can stop you, it's non of their business" Jake correct as Jungwon gives a thump's up as agreement "they say that if they see me near Nishimura, they're gonna beat me up again"

"That's because they're just jealous, and we are here to protect you now. Don't worry about anything"

"I really want to pay them back" Sunoo say as his tears start streaming down on his cheeks, making Jungwon's blood boiling even more. And at the exact same time, a bright light bulb appear above his head like he's having a great idea

"And I know how" Jungwon smile devilishly, Sunoo stop crying and Jake stare at him immediately "How?"

"Sunoo hyung, do you really really want to pay them back and let them suffer?"

"Yes" Sunoo say as quick as a lighting, Jake also want to know the idea while Jungwon's face is even more devil than the real devil

"Make Niki as your tail that never leave your sight"

Sunoo's jaw drop as well as Jake "Yess that's a great idea! They're going to suffer on the inside if they see their crush fall in love with you even more" Jake exclaim it happily, wagging his non-existence tail. "Wait..but what if they come and beat me up again?"

"It's Niki's fault for tailing you around. So, there's no reason for them to blame you since he choose to stay near with you. How could they hurt you when that Japanese boy is always with you? Nah" Jungwon reply proudly, folding his arms and wiggling his eyebrows "you're lucky that you have another option hyung"

"Option?" Sunoo and Jake ask in sync making Jungwon giggle devilishly again and again "a great option that makes Niki jealous"


"Well...I think I get it" Jake say but the sound of his voice is still lost though "If Sunoo choose Daniel, everything is simple and he's going to look like he ran away from Danger" Sunoo also nod his head at the statement, he do want to pay them back "But...Daniel is so kind and manly, he saved me from them. I owe him"

"And how' bout Niki?"

"I suffered because of him"


"Damn you bro- you don't have to shout at my ears" Sunghoon groan as he rub his ears, glaring at the boy beside him "But what the actual fuc- that tall kid is Daniel Kim?"

"Yep" Niki say, rolling his eyes at the two older boys sitting with him at the small sofa without space "Damn- how did you even know that he's the son of Kim Taehyung, Prince of Underground?" Jay keep on asking, making the youngest to sigh loudly

"He said his father's phrase in my goddamn ear" Niki remember when Daniel whisper to his left ear, saying something that makes him shocked

'I am a Good Boy'

"Shit I think I'm having goosebumps"

"Don't think, you already have it" Sunghoon and Niki start laughing at Jay who's face start boiling and try to argue back but


Heeseung sit in front of the three boys, crossing his legs and folding his arms, staring at Jay, Sunghoon and Niki who are sitting like a statues in the small sofa. Heeseung is just like a strict father to the youngers

"Park Sunghoon-" Heeseung called out, Sunghoon quickly shot up as he look at the older "Where is your Cold Heart?"

"Jake's warm heart melted it" Sunghoon reply quickly as Heeseung stare at Jay who's sitting at the middle "Park Jongseong-...Where is your Bad boy's attitude?"

"Y-Yang Jungwon changed it" Jay gulp quietly as Heeseung look at the youngest boy among them "Ricky Park-...Where do you start letting go someone when they punch you in your goddamn face?"

"I-..." Niki just hang open his mouth without any words. His older brothers are waiting for him to speak even though they know the answer "it's...because of Kim Sunoo"

"What it has to do with Sunoo? You like him?"

"He love him" Jay correct so easy, making Sunghoon to pinch him quickly just to shut up. Silence erupt the meeting room, they may even hear the crows

"Then you three need to answer me truthfully....where do you all start neglecting your missions?"

Oh Shit-

"Because Sunghoon hyung and Jay hyung have boyfriends and act lovey-dovey all the time"

Aisshh this kid-

"Niki also stalked Sunoo just to know what he likes. He even brought foxy plushie after we had a mini war with the foreign criminal in the new amusement park"

Heeseung slowly facepalm at seeing the three boys start bickering and complaining each other...and we're part of the underground world- Heeseung thought as he sigh so loudly, making them to go silent

"Now...you chose your lovers" Heeseung state with a serious tone that is clearly shown. The three younger boys gulp slowly, they're speechless especially when the oldest continue his words "If you can't protect them from....them- the only way to save their life is to stay away from them. Make decisions before its too late, someone is already starting the war with us...Be ready"

And then he leave from the meeting, the three boys sitting in the small sofa doesn't know what to say right now...Niki groan as he quickly Sprint out from the room as well, leaving Sunghoon and Jay dumbfoundedly.

"This is Shit!"

"I guess....Niki and Sunoo's situation reminds Heeseung about Engene¡..."


Hello my fellow Engene...I need you all to answer this question

I don't want to make some wierd mistakes anymore. So I put your likes up more than mine

Q. What gender do you want to be Engene in this book? MALE or FEMALE (comment)

Thanks for reading it again😊

Lav ya ol♡♡♡

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