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"Snipers....are you ready?"

"Yes Capo!"


After giving the order, Niki step back a little to signal his brothers who are now also ready to sneak inside the city museum. The guards are already lying on the ground lifelessly while the Mafia take that as a chance and Sunghoon move forward to slice their necks with his silver knife from behind of them

The security guards are now all dead, they don't really mean to kill innocent but Enhypen isn't the only gang who attack the guards because like we had said before, the underground peoples are dreaming to get the Galaxy Diamonds to become the most richest Mafia

"West Killers and NightSharks already hack some of the CCTV, yet we need to be ahead of them" Jay frown a bit and tell the hacker from the earpiece "HitMan, we saw someone on the centre of the museum and I don't see as a good news"

"Check and inform to AppleBoss, now!"


Jay and Sunghoon slowly walk inside the dim dark room where they have to hide behind the walls. Sunghoon take out his Frost Gun while Jay get ready with his twin pistols "I'll took care the leader of West killers and I put the NightSharks on you Ice-boy"

Sunghoon nod his head and the two separate to face their enemies who have the same dreams with them "Let's get it!" Jay start shooting at his front where the West killers trying to sneak just like them

Meanwhile, Niki came inside the building with his favourite samurai while silently killing his enemies with his own crew. He love this moments where he can do whatever he likes without someone trying to control him "Finally.....I make a blood pool~"

"Capo! We have a problem-"

One of his crew can't even finish his words because Niki's happy face suddenly change into darken mad expression "what?" The man sigh and finally spill the information that he got from the hackers who were too afraid to tell the bosses

"AppleBoss is at the centre of this building, surrounded by some gangs!"

"Wait then where is HitMan? Or BagMan?-" Niki finally get that his two brothers are fighting with the other gangs after hearing the sounds of gunshots. He start signaling his crew to get closer with him "We will straight direct to the centre to protect AppleBoss and inform the others to join us soon- Let's get it!"

You may wonder how Heeseung has there on the centre surrounded by enemies because....When the hackers informed the news about someone is at the centre, Heeseung quickly approached the museum and direct to kill whoever was there to get the diamond but then...he just end up on a trap and got surrounded by the other gangs at the centre

Jay and Sunghoon arrive immediately after defeating West Killers and NightSharks. Likewise, Niki is also there with his crew being capture alive, they're too many men in the room and the thing is that.. .this was just a rattrap for all the Mafia

Enhypen had already killed most of the other gangs, so they didn't notice this one Mafia who made the trap to catch them. Jay, Sunghoon and Niki got forced to kneel down beside Heeseung who's also on the ground, can't do anything....if they move and then they will die, that's how this underground works

Jay can't help but to think Jungwon, he blame himself for this cause, thinking that his brothers and himself are going to die at this moment. Sunghoon and Niki also are same as Jay who can't stop thinking about their own boyfriends who are still waiting for them to return back home

"I....I'm sorry, I had to put you all in danger-" Heeseung whisper to his brothers while his tears drop from his eyes, he can't even look them on their eyes because of guilt "Hyung, we're brothers! We are all family! We will face the danger together and we will die for each others. No need to blame yourself....I know you're trying to do this for the family. We are Enhypen afterall"

The 4 Mafia's Lovers [ENHYPEN]✅Where stories live. Discover now