Yandere Vlad Plasmius x Recipromantic and Asexual Reader Part.6

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Vlad made sure to properly destroy Piper's corps, he had returned to his chateau to his underground lab and cut up her body by taring off her limbs, legs and even cutting off her head before pulling out her teeth. While Vlad was busy me and Alanna where still looking through Piper's burned down apartment, to my luck I found something that barely got burned but it was still readable

"I found something." I said that to Alanna that quickly made her come over to me

"What did you find?" She say me holding a barely burned piece of paper in my hands

"It's the college acceptance letter Piper got. She got it on the day she was killed, I think it might be connect to all this? I can't believe the police didn't find this?" Alanna had took the paper and started reading it while I was still looking around the area where I found the paper and I ended up finding a half burned plane ticket and picked it up as well.

"This must be the plane ticket that came with it?" We where both so happy that we found some real clues, Alanna check the authenticity of the acceptance letter while I checked the plane ticket when we got back to Alanna's office. I first checked the plane ticket  by calling the airport and when I gave them the ticket number they didn't have the number in file or any of the flights, it proved us that the ticket was fake after I ended the call. Alanna had called the college Piper was accepted too and they told her they didn't sent any letters to Piper Drake Alanna thanked them before she ended her call.

"Someone sent her fake letter to her dream college along with a fake plane ticket? (Y/N) you know when she got this?" Alanna said that while looking at both the letter and the plane ticket and I answered her question while barely playing with my engagement ring that I still wore

"Yes I do it was on my last in town and the day after she purposed to me."

"And the very same day she called and breaking things off." Alanna interrupted me as she sat back down in her chair

"Gets me wondering if she was forced to say that to you and what's the coincidence that Piper's gets an acceptance letter the day after yawls engagement?" Her words surprised me a little as she continued speaking

" To me it sounds like she was threat and wanted her out of the picture....The same threat the killed Steven." Her serious look and the tone of her voice sent shivers down my spine and I had terror in my eyes and face as I spoke

"N-No way....how did that creep find out that's impossible? It was just the two of us? We didn't tell anyone yet." The second after I said that Alanna said to me

"Looks like your stalker is very resourceful and far more dangerous than your old stalker teacher. By any chance was there someone Piper might have suspected?" I just nod my head not saying a word, but the look on my face and in my eyes Alanna knew who I meant. While Alanna was talking to me about Vlad, the man himself had finished properly deposed Piper's body and had cleaning the blood off himself. I did end up calling Vlad and asking him to pick me up and telling him that I was ready to return to Amity Park in which he told me he'll be right over, Alanna told me to keep calm and to avoid acting suspicious while she looked for evidence on Vlad Masters. She also told me to talk to Jazz and Danny Fenton since I told her they warned me about him and I told her I would before leaving her office and heading to the coffee shop that was close by that I told Vlad to come pick me up at, while I was waiting for Vlad I did by a coffee with the credit card he gave me. I had to wait for Vlad for around ten minutes before he showed up to come and get me, Vlad asked me some questions that I expected him to ask after spending some time with Alanna and asking if we found anything. Even I mentioned Piper being a smart fighter and going for DNA I pretended not to notice Vlad barely tensing up at my words, it was during that time when Alanna had return to the lab and was told the Piper's body was somehow gone and they didn't know how it was possible. Alanna had a feeling that Vlad Masters had something to do with it but she didn't share her thoughts about, she thought it gave her an opportunity in getting of answers of how Vlad Masters became a millionaire in the first place.

Within an hour both Vlad and myself had returned to Amity Park and I was welcomed by my parents and little brother, my parents thanked Vlad for helping me out while I texted Jazz that I wanted to talk to her at school the text day with her brother. She replied sure before I put away my phone fast enough before Vlad looked at me casually and speaking to me before my parents left I waved by to him and he waved back as he was walking off to a different direction.

The next day I was happy to be back at school, but I wasn't happy with catching up with all I missed. I was happy that Jazz was more than happy in helping me catch up after school, a lot of students felt sorry for me in my lose of Steven so there was a lot of students that where extra nice to me and that included the popular kids as well.

"Hey Danny can I talk to you in privet? About Vlad." I said that to Danny during lunch and he was eating with his two friends I noticed that his friends where just as surprised as Danny when I mentioned I wanted to talk about Vlad Masters, that action made me sit and sat with them at their table.

"What do you know about him and why did you and sister warn me about him and gave me that belt during Steven's funeral?" I started to get more serious as I was talking to the three of them

"I want that truth." The trio wasn't sure at first but seeing the seriousness of me and Danny seeing that I was still wearing my engagement ring he knew he had to tell me the truth.

"You think he had something to do with your fiancee?" Saying that both of Danny's friends where shocked in hearing that I had a fiancee in the first place and I held my hand above my ring as I started to get more serious while trying to hold back my tears

"Piper is dead because of him."   

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