Yandere Vlad Plasmius x Recipromantic and Asexual Reader Part 1.

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I had moved to Amity Park with my parents around three months ago due to my parents mainly my mom's work not long after I turned sixteen, I was hesitant in going to a new High School in communicating with brand new people. At my previous school I was the prettiest girl in the entire grade I had gotten cat called on the streets before I hit puberty I also had a lot of friends that protected me, despite my looks I was a part of the ace community. My parents weren't so supporting as my friends, they wanted me to find a boyfriend in high School since they where High School sweethearts. The only family member that supported me was my ten year old brother Lucas( in this story if you do have a younger brother you can use his real name but in this story your brother will have a different name) he always tried to comfort me after an argument with our parents about them wanted to have a boyfriend even after moving to Amity Park my parents constantly told me I was pretty enough to have any boy I wanted and would have no trouble finding a husband, I was happy at least one family member in their house believed and supported me.

During the first month of attending Casper High was a little tough for me, I could easily tell the teenagers weren't so open minded about the ace community like at kids my High School. Thankfully I can keep up with appearances and adapt my my environment, I have my friends from my home town to thank for teaching me. Mostly the popular girls where jealous of me because I was prettier than them along with constently finding a lot of love letter in my locket both in the morning and after school, thankfully I didn't care about popularity and what people I didn't care about thought of me. Instead of being a so called cheerleader like a lot of the popular guys wanted and sort of begged I took art and a literature class as my main classes, I was also very good student with perfect A/B average I was fortunate my parents never complained about my grades. The only thing they cared about was finding me the right guy to date and maybe marry.

Thankfully I made my first real friend at Casper High, her name was Jazz Fenton we where in the same grade and I felt comfortable around her like I did with my home town friends, I did tell her that I was recipromantic and asexual as we where both walking to her house.

"Recipromantic and asexual? Never heard of those two what are that?" Jazz had asked me that question and I was happy to answer that

" Recipromantic is someone who only feels sexually or romantically attracted to someone who is sexually or romantically attracted to them first in my case it's romantic. And Asexuality actually had different definitions the main thing is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity. But for me I can't stand kissing I think it's gross and I don't like sex at all and is not important to me." I could tell that Jazz was very surprised at what I told her and she started speaking to me again and I saw that she was getting interested in hearing more

"Whoa (Y/N) I had no idea about all that? I didn't think there are actual names for not being romantically attracted to anyone?"

"That one is call Aromantic and that means having little to no romantic attraction. Romantic attraction is about wanting a committed romantic relationship with someone." I said that interrupting her and Jazz kept asking more about the Ace community and I was happy in telling her about the ace spectrum till we got to the Fenton house, Jazz was shocked in hearing how many things that where part of ace spectrum. 

However when we entered Jazz's house we saw fancy car parked at the front of her house, I was surprised in seeing the type of house she lived in. It looked different and I liked that. When we entered her house I saw Jazz's parents talking with someone that looked a little familiar.

"Mr.Master this is a surprise?" Jazz said that as she put her back pack down and Jazz's mother noticed me

"Oh sweetie is this a new friend?" I smiled and walked up to her and held out my hand and she shook it

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