Yandere Dan Phantom x Asexual and Demiromantic reader part.3

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I felt so comfortable around Alex, I was so comfortable with him that I invited him over to my house after school which I never brought a friend home before. I did text my mom and letting her know about it ahead of time. The only person that didn't like seeing how friendly the two of us where was Dan Phantom, at friend he thought that I just made a friend but seeing the way I was acting towards Alex. He started to see Alex as a threat and wanted to win my attention back, Dan didn't realize that I wasn't attracted to him and thought that we where dating. He didn't know and noticed how I felt around him, after school instead of going to my photography club I went straight home with Alex. Instead of an FBI agent my mom picked us up to avoid suspicion, Alex did introduce himself to my mom and told her that he know knew where I got my beauty from that made my mom laugh a little.

"So how did you two meet?" Was what my mom said and I answered her

"In art class today." While I was talking I held Alex's hand and he held mine

"We bonded so much we decided to date. I wanted you to meet him right away." Saying that surprised my mom and confused her a little

" Didn't you tell me you where dating the Jordan guy you never introduced me too?" I just nod my head no too her

"My friend group set us up, I never really felt romantic feeling towards him. Even though he treats me nice and changed for me, I still didn't feel that attraction." As I was talking I hugged Alex's arm and smiled

"But with Alex I feel that attraction and a special connection, his energy and personality is what I love about him. Not just his looks." Alex interrupted me as he held me in his arms

"And we can both picture a life with one another." My mom was happy that I found someone but I could tell that she was very worried if I would put Alex and his family in danger, but my mom saw that I was really happy with Alex.

Upon the next day at school something strange happened, Jordan had suddenly dropped out of school and both him and his parents where no where to be found. I didn't really care much about Jordan but it did surprise me hearing the news, my friend group was asking me if I was okay and what not like me and Jordan where dating and that I told them that I wasn't interesting in Jordan and started dating Alex and even introduced him to the group. They where surprised that I choose to date Alex and I explained how the two of us had a special mental connection with one another, I was a little upset that I didn't see Alex till third period art class when classes started. I kept calm and waiting patiently until third period and after third period was lunch, after around three hours third period finally came and upon entering art class I hugged and greeted Alex. The second I hugged him something imminently felt off about him from this morning that quickly made me stop hugging and took a few steps back away from him and he was obviously confused by my actions.

"(Y/N) what is it?" Was what Alex question me, something about Alex now reminded me of Jordan after my group introduced me to him. I quickly looked around and saw the fire alarm, I knew I would get in trouble later for it but I quickly went over to it and pulled the alarm setting it off. The sudden alarm shocked everyone and everyone started running out of the building, with the crowd of students I managed to get away from Alex and started to run towards the gym and out the school's exit. Just before reaching the exit after some students left the door quickly closed itself like someone shut it and locked it, the second I turned around to leave the gym the entrance door imminently closed right in front of me and that made me try to open the doors but they wouldn't budge.

"Your impress me (Y/N)." Hearing the unexpected voice got my attention and I felt like I heard that voice before, upon turning around I was lost for words at who I was looking at. All of his glory was Dan Phantom, I didn't know who he was but I could tell the he was bad news.

"Not many humans can tell so quickly when a ghost possess a human." He said that with an impressed smile on his face and then I started talking

"It was you...your the one that possessed Jordan. I knew that was something off like someone else was wearing his skin and the way he was acting towards me and his sudden changes didn't suit a jerk like him Why do all this? You don't strike me as the type that wouldn't do this without reason?" Saying that made Dan chuckle a little before he spoke and started to walk up to me that made me back into the door enough until my back was touching the doors

" I thought I made it clear to you about my intentions?" Him saying imminently got me thinking about all gifts I had been receiving when he possessed Jordan along with the money and notes that came with them and even the red roses that I kept finding at my window, by the time I was about to speak Dan was now right in front of me towering over me when he placed his palm on my cheek that made me look up at him with eye contact then something else popped in my head and I spoke again

"Your the so called ghost that put that bounty on me aren't you?" The second I said that Dan had pulled me into an embrace that got me off guard and even more when he kissed the top of my head

"I said completely unharmed for a reason."

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