Yandere Vlad Plasmius x Recipromantic and Asexual Reader 2.

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When me and Steven started dating, of course I told my parents and Steven acted like he didn't know them. My mom and dad where over joyed that I had found and finally had a boyfriend, I did tell Jazz to meet me and Steven at his place in telling her the full story I didn't tell my parents. 

"(Y/N) I thought you where asexual and recipromantic?" Jazz asked my that question while my and Steven where sitting on his couch and I had my arm wrapped around him and I leaned on his shoulder

"Allow me to really introduce you two. Steven Hill's birth name is Annabel Hills and one of my childhood friends."

"Annabel Hills?" Jazz repeated that name and became shocked when she realized why I said a girls name and she looked at Steven

"Y-Your transgender?"

"Not only transgender but I'm also demiaromantic. ( Y/N) told me she told you the ace spectrum." Jazz was speechless in hearing that and she had a million question that me and Steven where alright with answering, Jazz stayed for a few hours before leaving and I decided to spend the night at Steven's. The two of us my mainly cuddled on the couch and watched TV, during the middle of the movie we where watching I fell asleep. Steven did the same thing, the second he fell asleep Vlad Plasmius had appeared in the middle of the living room. He was holding my back pack that I had backed with small necessities along with my school back pack, before picking me up bridal style he had created another clone to stay behind and wait still Steven woke up. The real one had turned invisible and fazed flying out of the building while holding me in his arms back to my place around six at night, it didn't take long for Vlad to reach my house. He knew where my bedroom was the second he entered my room he turn and myself turned visible and put my things on the ground and he held me closer to him as he kissed the top of my head and inhaled the sent of my hair

"Now don't you worry sweetheart, I won't let anyone take you away from me." When I wont up a few hours later I was very confused seeing that I was back in my bedroom and seeing that I was sleeping above my bed sheets.

"Whoa...how did I end up back at my place?" When I turned on my night stand lamp something else got my attention, on my computer desk there was bouquet of red roses and jewelry box. Instead of going to my computer desk, I shout out loud to my parents that imminently came in my room and where shocked to see me at home and I quickly ran to my dad and hugged him and shacking in fear as I pointed over to my computer desk

"I-It's happening again." Both my parents where shocked and very worried, when I was thirteen I had a obsessed and dangerous stalker for six months until that stalker was caught since I was still underage and he was around in his thirties and one of my teachers that got obsessed with me he got a ten year sentence. Luckily my dad was a police officer so I would be guarded during school both me and my brother my parents told me that they would protect me, of course I called Steven immanently as soon as my parents left my room and I doubled check in making sure my window was locked. When Steven didn't answer, I got worried and I begged my dad to take me to Steven's place and he knew why seeing the worry on my face. 

My happiness with Steven didn't last as long as I wanted, we where already too late. When my dad got to his apartment I was horrified at what had happened, my new stalker had killed Steven I crying while lying myself over Steven's body with my face buried in his chest as my dad called for backup from his new unit, I confessed to my dad that Steven was really Anna and he knew who that was since the both of us practically grew up together. Just before the other police came I had actually kissed Steven on his lips when my tears where dripping on his face, I didn't care about the lips on his mouth when I let my lips go I held his hand. 

"(Y/N) you need to leave." My dad said that to me, just before I got up something stopped me. I looked at the hand that I was holding and saw it barely moving, as soon as I put my hand over his chest I felt his heart beating that made me smile, I shouted that he was still alive. The paramedics confirmed it that Steven was barely still breathing and was very lucky, the one that wasn't happy was Vlad. His clone had strangled Steven until blood came out of his mouth and was sure that he was dead along with giving him a black eye, seeing that he was still alive angered him. I stayed by Steven's side even in the ambulance while rushing him to the hospital while the police and my dad did some investigating, at the hospital Steven was rushed into the emergency clinic while I was giving my statement to the doctors in who to call. I told them that his parents didn't want anything to do with their child and I gave them the names and numbers of our close friend circle that'll come for sure, after I couples of hours Steven was on a medical coma and sufferance from different injuries. Along with the black eye, Steven had several broken ribs and looked like someone beat him like an anger bunching bag on him. I stayed in the same hospital room as Steven while my dad was talking to the doctors and the other police officers, I knew he was talking about protecting me and Steven and telling them about my previous stalker and what had happened during my first stalking. 

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