Yandere Clockwork x Asexual and Aromantic Reader Part 1.

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When I was very young around five years old and the time era was around 2001 something unusual happened to me, I was with my parents waiting for our train. I was holding onto my dad's hands while I was looking around my surroundings, but somehow my dad's watch got my attention I was watching it tick and then it suddenly stopped that surprised me. I looked over to see someone looking right at me while everything looked time frozen, the man that was looking at me had a  violet-cloaked on him and a pale blue face and a scar across his left eye. Seeing him surprised me at first and I said a few words to him

"Who are you?" I didn't get an answer from the mysterious man, he simply smiled at me. The second he smiled my dad's watch started moving again and everything went back into motion, the returning noise got me off guard for a second and I saw the mysterious man was gone.

"(Y/N) what are you looking at?" My mom asked me that question when she looked down at me and seeing the direction I was looking at just when our train arrived. I promised myself I would never forget what I saw, I didn't know at that moment my life would change seeing that person. During my elementary school years I devoted myself mostly to art, I drew and sculpted a lot of things. My paints even won several art awards along with getting offers for art scholarships in which my parents where proud of me, when my little sister was born around the time I was seven. It was during that time I saw that mysterious man again in my room only this time he looked different, he looked like a child that confused me.

"Are you...the one from the train station?" He nods his head yes to me without speaking he then held out his hand to me and opened his hand in revealing a type of small necklace that had the letters C'W together.

"A gift..For you." Was what he said to me, hearing his voice got my attention. His voice sounded like that of an adult but in a kids body, not wanting to be rude I took the necklace. The second I did he changed his appearance to that of the adult form I first saw him and he looked exactly how I remembered, before he left he crouched down and kissed my forehead.

"I'll see you again soon (Y/N)" I was confused at what had happened and right after he disappeared my father knocked on my door telling me that it was dinner and to come eat, I didn't tell my parents what had happened since I had a feeling they wouldn't believe me.

In the fifth grade my friends would ask me who I had a crush on, not to sound weird I would say a random boys name. But the truth was I didn't feel attracted to any boy or girl, I can recognize someone attractiveness but I didn't feel anything romantic towards them. They where just regular people to me, I was scared to confront my parents and I didn't tell them in not wanting them to think I was a freak or something was wrong with me. Although strange things happened when I mentioned a boys name when they asked me who I had a crush on, the next day they would be gone and the teachers said there parents transferred them to different schools. A lot of the girls in my grade where shocked in hearing a few of the cutest boys where suddenly transferred to different schools, I didn't care about there attraction. I thought it was a little weird, another thing that was weird was whenever a boy I mention was gone, the man who revealed himself as Clockwork along with telling me that he was a ghost would show up with a bouquet of red carnations. I didn't put two and two together during the time, I was happy receiving flowers. 

With my art talent I didn't go to a normal middle school instead with all the scholarships I was offered for both art and from studying from my good grades I went to a privet school, of course there was uniforms which I didn't mind. Upon my first day I was already somewhat famous since I lot of my art pieces where featured in a lot on the news and purchased for either privet collectors or art museums, I also did make sure to join an after school art club along with advance art class as well to increase my art skills. 

"(Y/N) (Y/L) will you be my girlfriend." A boy from my grade had said that to me before I reached the school gates, he was one of the popular kids that was part of one of big shot sports teams that a lot of girls had a crush on, instead of saying yes I nod my head no that surprised him as I spoke

" I'm sorry. Better luck with someone else." After I said that I took off, just when he was about to grab my shoulder and I could feel his presents that made me nervous. But all of a sudden I didn't feel his presents anymore, I turned around and saw that he wasn't standing in the same spot he was standing on and completely disappeared.

"Hey (Y/N) what's up?" One of my new art friends had came up to me and I answered 

"Kobi Williams just asked me out, I said no." My friend was confused at what I said and she asked me another question

"Kobi Williams? Who's Kobi Williams?" I was very confused by what she said, so instead of going straight my my class I went to the football field and spoke with the couch about Kobi. I even drew what he looked like and showed it to him.

"Kobi Williams? We don't have anyone by that name on the team. Sure he isn't from another school or something?" While he was talking he looked back at the drawing

"He doesn't look familiar and I'm good with faces." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, the school's football couch was so proud of Kobi in made him star quarterback. I was so confused on why everyone suddenly forgot about him and I kept questioning why I was the only person that remembered him, I tried going about my day. But it was so odd for me to forget, one minute he asked me out and the next was like someone erased his existence. After a couple of hours and the hallway packed with students I was walking to my locker with one of my friends that had the next class as me, when I opened my locker a lot of flowers came pouring of it that chocked me and my friend along with some of the students that happened to be walking by. They weren't regular flowers they where light purple lilacs.

"Whoa (Y/N) someone's got it bad for you, I wish someone would give me a mountain of flowers." That what m y friend said to me while I picked up a hand full of them and I was confused

"Why purple lilacs?" Saying that confused my friend as she picked up one of the flowers

"You don't know? In the language of flower, the light purple lilac means...first love." My jaw dropped a little after hearing her say that and I looked back at the flowers on the ground near my feet

"But who are they from? Do I have a stalker or something? W-What do I do?" My reaction wasn't something a new teenager would say in receiving a gift of love, mine was complete opposite. I was unfazed by a gift of a love admire. It didn't mean I would throw out the flowers, I put the flowers in a trash bag and put them in the teacher's office to pick up later. During the rest of the school day a lot of students where whispering and gossiping about me and who might have put all those flowers in my locker, luckily I didn't care what others I didn't care about thought about me. Some students even confronted me about it and I told them either "I didn't know who put all those flowers in my locker." or " I don't want everyone making a big deal out of something I don't remotely understand what was going on." 

After school I did pick up the flowers I felt and started heading home with a few of my friend, I couldn't shack the feeling like I was being watch. It made me look over my shoulder a few times  and seeing no one was following us, but I still felt like someone was looking at just me.                 

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