Yandere Vlad Plasmius x Recipromantic and Asexual Reader Part. 4

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Vlad suggested that myself and my family stay for a week before we left Amity Park and we where alright with it, however ever since the first night Vlad acted a little weird about me. I still hadn't forgotten that he offered me the entire chateau, also when I wanted to hang out with my twenty year old friends that where close to me Vlad offered to take me into town. The thing that shocked me was when he gave me his credit card that completely shocked me.

"Wait your willingly giving me your card? Why? What's the catch?" I said that to him after I looked back at the credit card in my hands, he had just parked someone when we got into my home town and where I was meeting my (friends)

"There's no catch my dove, I'm willing to give you whatever you desire." Vlad had said that to me when I opened the passenger's door and I stop after he said that and I looked at him with a confused look on my face

"Wait what?" Before Vlad could say anything my friend Piper had shown up and that was Vlad's Q to leave in which he did, when Piper came up to me she held my hand

"Ready for our date babe?" After she said that she noticed the credit card in my hand and asked me a question

"Since when do you have a credit card?"

"It's Vlad's he said I can use it on whatever I wanted?" Piper was now just as confused as me and she suggested that I stay at her place till my family returned back to Amity Park, I was a little worried about using the credit card at first but I did use it on a little shopping for things I needed for staying at Piper's for a few days. I did call my parents about it, at first they where surprised but they understood how much my friends meant to me and where alright with it. I didn't bother telling my parents that me and Piper where dating before we moved, yes I had feelings for Steven but my feels for Piper where much stronger since I also identity as reciromantic. Piper wasn't just pansexual she was also demiasexual and our age difference was only six years which didn't bother neither of us and we where happy to be together again, the only one that wasn't happy was Vlad that had been practically stalking me during out date while he turned to his ghost half and was invisible the entire time wanted to know the things I liked. At first he thought we where just friends until he heard about the secrete dating for four years conversation between myself and Piper when we got to Piper's place and my hands where filled with shopping bags with the necessities that I needed.

"Wow what dream come true."I said that as I put down my bags and as soon as I turned around I saw Piper kneeling on the ground on one knee it confused me at first but seeing the tears in her eyes it left me speechless 

"(Y/N) the moment I met you I felt a very special connection with you more than any of my ex's. You make my life complete more than anyone can." She held out a ring box and opened it revealing a beautiful gothic  engagement ring and seeing that ring made me start to cry out of happiness and I held my hand over my mouth

"(Y/N) (L/N) will you marry me?" Vlad couldn't believe what he was seeing and he felt his heart shatter when I said yes and Piper putting the ring on my finger and we both hugged one another, he wasn't going to let anyone stand in his way even if ...

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"(Y/N) (L/N) will you marry me?" Vlad couldn't believe what he was seeing and he felt his heart shatter when I said yes and Piper putting the ring on my finger and we both hugged one another, he wasn't going to let anyone stand in his way even if he had to get his hands more bloody as he heard how we planned on officially getting married when I turned eighteen. Vlad made sure to make a duplicate of himself for my parents as his alibi while he kept a very close eye on me while I was with Piper, I didn't think that I was gay but upon discovering that I was Recipromantic and understanding what it meant. He did question how I was attracted to Steven despite him being transgender, though he was happy that we didn't have sex or kiss one another. His blood did boil hearing us talking about our wedding plans and making sure we had everything planned when I graduated High School and Piper with her college degree. Vlad had gotten an idea hearing Piper mention her college.

  The rest of my stay I of course did share a bed with Piper, but I didn't hang around just her we both hang around our friends and we both decided not to tell anyone about our engagement just yet in wanting to surprise everyone. On my last day Piper had received a letter saying that she had won a free scholarship to study in England at one of the best colleges with a four year fully paid tuition along with a plane ticket that came with the letter, Piper had reed the letter twice and I reed the letter as well. We both couldn't believe it but it was real, I told Piper to go since she always wanted to study in England and she was happy that I was so supportive of her, my mom and sister picked me up from Piper's place we made sure to say our goodbyes. What we both didn't know was part of Vlad's plan, the second Piper had closed her door and turned around Vlad Plasmius was in front of her and he quickly grabbed her neck and with his hand and squeezed it before she even screaming.

"Just when I though we where starting to get close, you just had to purpose to her?" Piper was shocked that he knew about the engagement and she recognized his voice

"Wait...I know your voice...Vlad Masters?" The second she said that his grip on her tightened and she started struggling as he started talking

"Your a lot more smarter than the other one, but I'm not making the same mistake twice." Hearing Vlad say that she knew right away that he was the one the killed Steven and made her tear up out of fear before she blacked out, the Vlad that was with Piper was the real one while the Vlad that was with me and my family was a duplicate. The clone avoided touching me since I had on the specter deflector, but the clone did sit near me while I was looking the window when the jet took off. I was daydream and happy as even, I couldn't stop thinking about Piper and how we'll spend the rest of our lives together.

Getting back to Amity Park the first thing I did after I finished un packing was heading over the Fenton house and returning the Specter Deflector.

"I guess thanks for letting me borrow this?" I said that to Danny as I have him back the belt, it was just him at his place at the moment while his parents where out of the house for a short while.

"Hey listen (Y/N) Vlad didn't do anything or say anything weird to ya?" Just before I answered him my phone started ringing and I answered it

"Hello....oh hi sweetie." I barely pulled away from my phone as I showed Danny my engagement ring on my finger and I whispered to him

" My fiance." Me saying that shocked him, just when he was about to ask me a question my expression changed from happy to shocked and disbelief as tears started falling down my face 

"WHAT?! But why?Piper? Piper?" With that the call had ended I dropped me phone on the ground as soon as I sat down on his couch

"Excuse me Danny I'm going to need a minute alone." I started crying hard the second I put my hands on my face, what really happened was Vlad had overshadowed Piper and had called me and telling me that the engagement was over and that she didn't want to see me ever again. The next step in Vlad's plan was burning both Piper and her apartment making it look like suicide which was what he did with the gasoline he had bought and already had in the place, after he stopped overshadowing Piper he had started pouring the gasoline inside her apartment as Vlad Masters Piper did put up a fight with him when she came too and saw him. Piper was fighter and knew how to handle herself, before Vlad broke her neck she really bit into his arm enough to bleed in hoping in getting DNA evidence. 

Vlad made sure to leave before the flames got too serious and he flew back to Amity Park as Vlad Plasmius.            

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