Yandere Walker x Pansexual and Asexual Reader Part 1.

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              (Main Danny Phantom characters are aged up and college students in their twenties)

When I was a kid I always felt different, I remember my first crush well I was eight years old and it was with a teacher. Her name was Miss Loveheart, my cheeks would turn red when she looked at me or when I heard her sweet, gentle song like voice. I did have boy crushes I was a day dreamer in building relationships in my head, with famous actors and actresses or even fiction characters from books or tv series. When I came in my teenage years I started to question what made me so different from my friends, they never talked about having both girl and boy crushes in the same why I thought of. My parents where strict Christians, my parents expected me to be an obedient daughter. In tenth grade I discovered that I was Pansexual from one of my friends that my parents had no idea that I was friends with, my friend was part of the LGBTQ community and my parents hated those people and they wanted me to hate them so I never bothered telling my family. I keep up with the act until I graduated High School and got a scholarship at Wisconsin University and far away from my family, the day I left for college I told my parents everything and I really felt about them and they weren't happy about it. I didn't care what they thought all I cared about was being free from them, luckily I wouldn't be going alone I even introduced them to my girlfriend Gwen who was transgender just before I left and they both said a lot of hurtful things to me and her as he drove off and not looking back.

Going to college was a real dream for me, myself and my girlfriend had gotten an apartment together near the college instead of getting a dorm room. We where both so happy being away from our families and doing what we wanted, when we tried sleeping together it was actually very uncomfortable with me. Me and Gwen discovered not only was I pansexual but I was also asexual thankfully Gwen didn't care and thought sex wasn't the only thing to make a person close to another in a relationship, both of us made sure to get job near our college of course we studied different majors. It was during one of my classes where I boy that got my attention, his name was Danny Fenton there was something about him that was different from the guys I met in my life. We became fast friends and he introduced me to his two closes friends same and tucker and I had introduced my girlfriend to them and we explained out identities to them that, of course shocked them since they haven't heard the word pansexual before and I had to explain it but they did knew what transgender was. 

Both me and Gwen didn't know what we got ourselves into when we became close with Danny and his friends,fighting ghost on the side was like something on TV but real. We couldn't have asked for more an exciting life, even if it was scary sometimes. Danny even relieved that he was half ghost that explained why I felt that he was different, the more time me and Gwen spent with Danny and his friends the more feelings I started to feel towards Danny even though he and Sam where dating. I couldn't help myself, he had the type of personality I was attracted too.

What none of us didn't know that a certain ghost was planning on, that ghost was Walker the vigilante warden of the ghost zone. He still hadn't given up on capturing Danny and arresting him, Walker had come up with a new plan in capturing Danny that involved overshadowing humans like before. In observing two new faces which was myself and Gwen he decided to overshadow Gwen in not bothering into looking more in our background beforehand with all he got was our names.

"Hey Gwen you alright?" I asked Gwen that question and her answered me

"Yeah (Y/N) I'm fine why you ask?"

"Well today is our one year dating anniversary, you said you had something planned for the both of us after classes? What did you actually forget during your exams or something?" Me saying that I saw the slight surprised look on her face that barely confused me, something about her seemed different from usual. My normal attraction to her wasn't there for some reason, Gwen felt almost like stranger to me and I couldn't figure out why. I came prepared in any type of situation, Gwen's boss was a total bastered and Gwen wasn't making as much as I was and I had planned a day for the two of us. During our date Gwen was a little quiet at first that also got my attention, she was always talkative to me and would quote poetry of love to me from some of her favorite poets during our dates. Walker didn't really know what to do with me at first, he had no idea that the two girls where dating one another. Another thing that surprised him was how caring I was, he still wasn't giving up on his main plan. Walker could tell that something was very different about me that got him curious in figuring out what it was, when he discovered the whole pansexual thing and what it was it actually spiked his interests in me since he never seen or met anyone like myself before in his life. He like my personality the more he got to know me in a short amount of time he had until his plan went into motion, but during a date late at night on a full moon when I pulled out my pocket knife and throwing it at a tree branch that had a it's first red camellia flower on the top of it and gave it to him as a "Gift" that was really meant for Gwen he fell in love with me. 

On the day of his going into motion things doing go the way he wanted of course he stopped overshadowing Gwen and he took the red camellia flower from her, his plans where going like he wanted at first but where foiled by Sam and Tucker along with myself and Gwen helping in capturing the prison guard ghosts what what ghost hunting tools we had on us. With his plans ruined he had no choice but to fall back and returned back to the ghost zone, he was in his office couldn't get over how his plan didn't work. However when he looked over at the camellia that he put on his desk he realized and believed that I was to blame, I broke a lot of his rules and mainly the one in helping Danny fight off his men. He wanted to punish me for not just helping Danny but for causing him his affections towards me that effected his work. 

Back on Earth I was happy to have my Gwen back, however I felt like I was being watch even at our apartment for the past week. Another thing that was weird was the someone kept leaving gifts outside either our apartment door or window, they where mostly flowers and they where only for me and not for Gwen. They flowers all had notes in them and they only said four words " to (Y/N) from Walker" Both of us didn't know what to think, we didn't a Walker from either our college nor our work places. It also felt very awkward when we had our date nights we both felt like someone was watching us with a lot of jealously and rage that made us both scared going out together so we became a little on edge, the worse part was we didn't know who it was.

Since exams where coming up Gwen needed the extra studying and she stayed in one of her friends dorm room that was helping her, I didn't mind since I trusted her. Exams where going on in my classes so I decided to go to college around eight in the morning to catch up on some extra reading, when I got the college library I was confused in seeing no other students since it was exam week.

"That's weird where is everybody?"

"I was thinking that too." I heard Gwen's voice not the far from me as I turned to my right I saw Gwen walking up to me with a few books in her hands 

"Gwen hey." I said that when I hugged her and she hugged me back, though when I did I had the same feeling like I had before those ghosts from a couple of weeks ago. That feeling imminently made me stop hugging her and step a little away from her, something else that I noticed was on her shirt a red camellia was pinned. My actions made Gwen a little confused as he question

"(Y/N) what is it?" I quickly got out one of my ghost hunter tools Danny had gave me which was small enough to fit in my pocket and it was a type of small riffle and pointed it directly at Gwen

"Get out of my girlfriend ghost." The second I said that Gwen's eyes glowing red and dropped the books she was holding as she smirked and even her voice changed to that man's.

"Very good, gotta admit (Y/N) your good not a lot of humans can tell. That's some skill you got there." Just before I was about to speak I started to hear some commotion going on outside, that commotion made Walker flew out of Gwen's body and that made her fall on the ground out cold

"Gwen." I didn't even noticed the angry look he gave when I said Gwen's name and I looked back at him as he spoke

"I would worry about yourself instead of her." Instead of shooting at him I shot at the fire sprinkles that imminently activated that distracted Walker enough for me to shoot at him that made him crash into a few of the bookshelves

"Gwen, Gwen wake up." I said that as I went over to her and shook her shoulder a few times in trying to wake her up, but nothing work. When Walker started to get up I had no choice but to leave Gwen and run off.

"Fast thinker." Walker said that to himself as soon as he fully got up and pulled out a type of device from his pocket and pressed it, while that happened I had reached the main doors and I was very worried that the doors wouldn't open. The second I started banging on the doors a strange type of smoke started coming out of the vents, thankfully I seen a lot of action movies and I had a good feeling on what the gas meant. I quickly took a chair and threw it at the closest window and once I broke the window I jumped out of it and continued running, but hearing the glass shatter Walker had gone to the noise and saw the broken window and glass on the ground.

"Huh? Well I'll be (Y/N) is a lot more smarter than I thought?" Walker had said that while looking impressed by my actions and while looked out the broken window.    


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