Yandere Vlad Plasmius x Recipromantic and Asexual Reader Part 3.

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Just when me and my close friend circle thought Steven would make it threw, we where heart broken that Steven didn't make it. The one that was more heart broken was Steven's older brother, as much as he didn't want to he called his parents and told them that Steven was practically murdered. I was there hearing their conversation and I couldn't believe what I heard, apparently they had adopting a daughter in replacing Steven and practically saying they disowned them both and told him not to contact him for anything they didn't care about.

I couldn't believe how heartless they where and of course I comforted Steven's brother, I wasn't the only one that heard. Not to my knowledge Vlad Plasmius had heard everything and he did something about it, he had returned back to his manor and with some research found Steven's and George's parents. Once he found where they lived he set his plan in motion he had cloned himself and that clone had imminently went, as soon as the clone went to the town he had created another clone that over shadowed a social working in taking back the girl they had adopted saying that they where unfit as adopted parents. The second the girl was taken the main clone had killed both parents after he had made some changes in there wile in giving everything to there eldest child, once the clones work was done it had disappeared. While the other clone had took the adopted child back into foster care, he carried out the next stage in his plan.

  George thought it would be best to have the funeral at our home town buried with his other dead family members. Vlad was kind enough and paid for the entire funeral for George since he couldn't afford it, just before myself and our friend group offered to help in with the funeral bill. Both Danny, his sister and his friend where worried about Vlad attending the funeral at my home town. Before me and my parents left Jazz had put on the specter deflector on me around my waist for what she called "My own protection around Vlad." while there so called mayor would be out of town for a short while, it also just so happened that Vlad town some property in the next town that was close by to my home town and he offered myself and my family to stay there rather than a hotel and of course my family took his generous offer.

With some hours of driving and everyone almost practically following each other, except for me and my family. Weirdly Vlad talked my parents into taking his privet jet with him to his property that wasn't far from out town, I wanted to ride with my friends mainly my close friend Piper but it seemed like Vlad didn't want that from the way I was sensing from him despite him acting calm and like it was no big deal. During the privet flight my little brother was in aw looking down at the group from several thousand feet in the air while my parents where talking with Vlad, I was also looking out the window but I was happy. I was upset that I wasn't with my friends at the moment, I was in thought as well thinking about Steven and when he was Anna about all the time we spent together as kids. Another thing I'm hoping was my new stalker would follow me, my parents had the same worried thought about that as me and told Vlad about it.

"You two have nothing to worry about, I can promise you your daughter is safe as long as I'm around." Vlad said that just before he looked back at me and I wasn't paying attention to him and he acted a little upset

"Although I do feel sorry for her, I wasn't aware (Y/N) had something like this happen before? And now she lost someone close to her." Seeing me hurt the way I was, he wanted to be the person that would depend on him. He still wasn't going to give up on me loving him the way he wanted, he was aware that he wouldn't get the half ghost son he wanted nor his mother that he loved since college. He had found find someone new for his affections and he was sure he was right person to get me to get over my asexuality, but Vlad was very curious about the town I grew up in and what I had willingly exposed myself too. 

The second the jet landed I my demeanor changed despite coming back for a funeral of a close friend I was so happy that I was being back in my home town where I grew up for a short while, Vlad had shown myself and my family around his chateau home that he called one of his vacation homes. The chateau had ten room and looked to be of Vlad's tastes from what I could tell from a vacation home, my brother was excited to get his own room to himself, I was alright with having my own room but something didn't settle right with me for some reason as Vlad was showing me to my room. I couldn't help but thinking about what Piper had said and the black rose that he had given Steven.

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