Yandere Vlad Plasmius x Demiromantic and Grayasexual Reader Part.1

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The second I turned eighteen and graduated High School I moved far away from my parents and never contacted them, why you might ask? They didn't want to accept that they'll never have any grandchildren or in laws from me, I recognize myself as Demiromantic and Grayasexual. So since my life in high school they kept setting me up on dates one after the other till I practically  know every single boy in my home town from one meeting, my parents didn't worry about much else about me. I was a great students, hung around good people and even got a job when I started my sophomore year of high school. Another thing about it I take VERY good care of myself with special herb baths that I started when I was fourteen to keep up with young appearance, when I turned eighteen I still looked like I was fourteen but with a mature curvy body that any women would die to have. My parents thought it would be a great idea to set me up on an arrange marriage, the second I discovered that without them knowing that was the final straw. I barely spoke to my parents threw my junior and senior year of High School and spent a lot of my time working and I made sure to tell my friends why I couldn't spend a lot of time with them, I was very happy I had people that understood the ace community unlike my parents.

With a lot of hard work, going threw two summers vacations of work and sell stuff I didn't give a damn about online, I made more than enough for moving out plus a good enough car that was a little old but worked and the place I decided to go that was more than far enough was Amity Park. I didn't tell neither my mom nor my dad about my moving plans, on the day of my graduation my parents threw me graduation party they wanted me to meet the guy that had set me up to marry. What they didn't know was that when the graduates left and returned with there friends and family I left town, I had everything I needed packed in my car. A brand new phone with a new phone number along with a new bank account that my parents didn't have access too, I also made sure to say goodbye to my friends a day in advance so I wouldn't ruin my schedule. 

After four days of refilling my car tank with the backup gasoline that I had and sleeping in my car I finally made it to Amity Park, I felt so free being far away from my crazy family that didn't want to accept me for who I was. Getting into town I going an apartment that had cheap rent and was a little warn down, when I found my own place I went job hunting. Looking in newspapers and looking in person. I saw that there was an opening for the mayor's assistant and thought it would be an alright job since one of my best paying part time jobs was something similar in aiding city hall, however getting into the City Hall of Amity Park and being shown to the mayor's office I was shocked to see Vlad Masters.

"Wait...I know you. Your Vlad Masters. Your the mayor of this city?"

"And you must be brand new here if you don't know? I take it your here are the job offer?" Vlad had asked that as he stepped out of his chair and walked over to me as I answered him

"Y-Yes I am. I'm (Y/N) (L/N) I just moved to Amity Park a couple days ago. I didn't expect the billionaire of the year would be a mayor of a city like this?" Me saying that got his attention when he got a good look at me in seeing that I was still practically a high schooler and he asked me a question

"You said I? You came here by yourself? Aren't you still in school you look awfully young?"

"I came here to get FAR away from my parents and Amity Park was pretty far away from them. I also just graduated High School too almost a week ago. And to answer that second question I've been taking a special bath routine that's kept me young, my own special recipe so I can't tell you what I put in it. " Me saying that got Vlad's attention, he sat me town and gave me an interview for the assistance position. After an hour of talking Vlad gave me the job and that made me happy and relieved that I was going to have enough money to buy real groceries and clothes shopping, I actually started working on that same day Vlad showed me the ropes on what I would be needed to do for him. Vlad casually asked me some questions about myself and mainly why I wanted to get far away from my parents, I saw no harm in telling him what happened. After I told him he was very surprised that my parents set up an arrange marriage and he told me that I was very brave to leave the way I did, what else impressed him was how fast a learning I was. I ended up working for about four hours and afterwards Vlad offered showed me around Amity Park since I was still practically new it the city.

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