Yandere Clockwork x Asexual and Aromantic Reader Part.2

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Clockwork didn't want any of his employees finding out that he had been spending some of his time with me, he kept up with his usual work like normal. When he met me he knew there was something different about me that drew himself to me, at first it was out of curiosity turned to appreciation. As I got a little older when he gave me that necklace that appreciation turned to fondness and soon when I turned twelve that fondness turned to love, Clockwork had live a long life but I was first to touch his heart so deeply he didn't love me just for my appearance he loved me for my soul. When I had mention a boys name when my friends asked me who I had a crush on, he didn't something about it. He had noticed that I wasn't really upset about it like he thought which got his attention to me even more, when I reached middle school I hadn't not once spoke about any crushes or people that I had like romantically. I was more focused on art and hanging around my friends and family, even when Kobi Williams had asked me out and I wasn't the slightest bit interested in him. Clockwork still saw him as a threat and erased his existence before he even touched me, he couldn't believe that I still remembered him. Which got him thinking that I might be immune to his time altering powers. In the 8th grade a boy asked me to go the cinema with him and I said yes, it shocked Clockwork and he wanted to see what was going to happen. During the middle of the movie the boy tried to kiss me instead of accepting it I looked like I was about to scream which Clockwork had saw from the look on my face, I had pushed the boy back quick enough before his lips met mine.

"Ew what the hell man?" the boy imminently apologized to me and because he had felt so embarrassed he left during the cinema before the movie was over, the boys actions didn't leave him unpunished to Clockworks eyes he had gotten rid of him just like he did with the others but not the way like he did with Kobi.

"Strange? Why did she act like that?" Clockwork thought that she he saw the image of me walking out of the cinema looking confused and trying to process what had happened, my mom wanted to what happened and I told her.

"He tried to kiss you and you rejected him?" My mom was surprised hearing what I told her and I answered her

"I guess he thought it was a date? I didn't think it was I thought he just wanted to hang out as friends?"

"You know (Y/N) when I was your age I couldn't stop talking about boys. Is there anyone you like at your school besides your friends? You can tell me I'm your mom." Clockwork wanted to hear my answer, he wanted to know that answer as well since I never spoke about any crushes or shown and interest in dating. I simply nod my head no as I spoke

" No, I never understood what it meant to have a crush on someone. What does it mean anyway? What am I suppose to feel?" Hearing that really confused my mom, I was different from my little sister that just turned eight and she started talking about a boy she liked in her class. My mom just thought and told me that I hadn't met the right boy and I might change when I started High School.

Turning fourteen and attending High School that feeling of having a crush still never came, at the high school I was attending was a type of privet school without the uniforms you either had to be rich or on scholarship which was what I had with my grades. I managed to get some friends so I wouldn't feel left out, my school would always throw loads of dances. My friends would always be on the dance floor surrounded by boys, while I preferred standing on the side and drinking punch. It wasn't like I had gotten ugly, it was quite opposite I was just as pretty or a little prettier than my friends. I still didn't care about boys like any teenage girl should, whenever I saw my friends with their boyfriends I felt sick to my stomach. I always thought kissing was the grossest thing ever and my friends actually tried to get me to talk to a boy, it happened around at one of the dances. I didn't have a date but I did go with my friends as a group. I honestly didn't really want to go to the dance but my parents and my friends practically forced me to go, during the middle of the dance my friend corner me to a wall while sappy romantic music in the background. 

"Someone had a crush on you." One of my girlfriends said that in a song like tone my friends pointed at a boy that kept glancing at my direction pulling at his tie and collar and I recognized him from one of my art classes.

"Come on (Y/N) go talk to him. Do you want to graduated before you even had your first kiss?" One of my other friends said that to me and I was starting to get a little pissed off by what they where forcing me to do, before I protested they where slapping on lipstick on my lips and pinching my cheeks to give the roses look. Then they took me by the hand one by each side and dragged me to the boys direction.

"Hey Josh why don't you dance with (Y/N)?" was what my friend said, the pushed me to him slightly as they ran to the dance floor with there boyfriends. I barely at the large clock that shocked the time, just before Josh spoke and the clock ticked once it had stopped as did Josh speaking along with the music. 

"Your friends are quick persistent aren't they?" I knew why that voice belonged to I turned around and saw Clockwork behind me along with seeing that he had stopped time for everyone else and I was relieved at what he did.

"Clockwork, boy you have good timing." I said that as I hugged him and he hugged me back, when I stopped hugging him I looked back at my friends that had stopped in place.

"I don't know what there problem is? I really didn't want to be here, parties like this don't interests me in the slightest. I prefer being at home either reading or drawing." While I was talking I looked back at Clockwork

"You think you help me get out of this?" After I said that he smiled as he spoke

"That's why I'm here (Y/N). I had a feeling this wasn't your thing either." What Clockwork ended up doing was turning invisible as he set time back in motion and overshadowed Josh, instead of dancing I left with Josh was what my friends thought and where happy for me. Once we where outside Clockwork had used his ghost power in Josh's body that allowed him to fly when he picked me up bridle style and flew me back to my place, I was happy that it was night time and no one would really notice anything.

"Thanks again Clockwork, your a terrific friend." I said that to him when he landed right in front of front door of my house and put me down, before he could say anything the front porch light turned on and that his Q to leave by flying and the second he left the front door opened and my mom was surprised seeing me.

"(Y/N) what are you doing back home we thought you would stay for a few more hours?" 

"Sorry mom I wasn't feeling it, really five minutes was all I could bare." That I didn't know was that Clockwork knew my parent's plan, they where worried about me not finding a guy to marry once I graduation High School since they where High School sweethearts. They thought going to a dance like the one I went too would answer there prayers for me, they weren't worried about my sister since she had like three boyfriends and she had turned nine years old and I haven't even had a single crush even at fourteen around the time my parents first started dating. 

"What the hell (Y/N) why did you bale like that last night?" One of my girlfriends had asked me that the next day at school in the morning I was a little confused by what they said and I answered them with a question

"Your mad about that? I thought you all would talk about Josh, you know the guy that had a crush on me?" Now they where the ones confused and another one of my friends questioned me

"Who are you talking about? We where going to set you up with a guy named Ethan? We don't know what your talking about?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, it was just like with Kobi Williams, they had forgotten about him like he ever excited. I had a feeling that Clockwork had something to do with it, I didn't know if I should be worried about it or relieved?

In a way Clockwork was relieved that I didn't have much of a love interests since he couldn't bare seeing me with another man besides himself even though he was a ghost.         

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