Yandere Vlad Plasmius x Recipromantic and Asexual Reader Part.7

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Danny had first filled his two friends about what he say and what I said about Piper purposing to me, along with her calling me in breaking off the engagement on the same day. In return I told them why Piper suspected Vlad had something to do with Steven's death and how Piper noticed Vlad's behavior around me, with the tension Danny finally told me the truth about Vlad being half ghost along with himself since it involved him as well. Hearing Vlad was half ghost made complete sense mainly for the mysterious bank robberies that puzzled my dad still to this day along with all the other luck Vlad Masters had over the years until he became a billionaire, Danny also told me about Vlad having a thing for his mom still after twenty years. But before I spoke Danny interrupted me

"Whoa..whoa...not wanting to change the subject..(Y/N) I didn't know you where into women?" Sam was the one that questioned that to me and I answered her

"I'm recipromantic...it means I'm romantically attracted to someone who is sexually or romantically attracted to them first. I'm also asexual if yawl are wondering what else I identity myself as. My home town has a large amount of people from my community along with the LGBTQ community mixed in with it." While I was talking I looked back at Danny

"I told your sister this and she was very fascinated in knowing more about the ace community and how many there are."

"I was wondering how you got on her good side so fast?" Danny said that after I spoke to him, however I was more curious about the GHOST stories and I asked the three about there experiences during the rest of lunch. But after lunch and in my next class the only thing that was on my mind ,was now knowing just how dangerous Vlad was and hearing about his dirty little secrete. I also really knew what type of danger I was in, I had a feeling my parents wouldn't believe me since they where close friends with Vlad's at this point and they trusted him. I also didn't want to get my little brother involved, but I couldn't figure out if he already was or not that bothered me. Another thing that I was worried about was Alanna, I needed to warn her about what Vlad. What I did know was that Alanna was already in danger.

The second I left town Alanna had pulled up every articles that had Vlad Masters in it along with mysterious bank robberies and millionaires suddenly giving there business to Vlad Masters, Alanna even went as far as finding an article from around twenty years ago when Vlad Masters was hospitalizes and having a copy of his medical file that she had gotten from one of her friends that happened to be a doctor that got her access to it.

"ex-poser to ecto-acne?" Alanna thought that seeing thee examination pictures of Vlad, she managed to pull out on old picture of Vlad before the accident in seeing that the accident caused his hair to change to the same silver as today. She kept reading the files in seeing that Vlad had spent several years in the hospital till he was discharged, Alanna noticed the first mysterious robberies took place not long after Vlad was discharged.

"These days?.....No way...that accident gave that fruit-loop powers. I gotta warn (Y/N)." Realizing that Alanna needed to warn me in person, in case something happened to her on her way to Amity Park she asked her assistant her very specific directions with handling her finds and also in case if something happens to her. She didn't care about the price of the tickets Alanna got the fastest flight that she needed to be on, by the time she arrived at Amity Park it was already around three 'o clock and after school. I was looking for my phone as I was about to head back home and remembered that I forgot my phone that was in locker and quickly went back inside the school to get it and at that same time Alanna was trying to call me when she got off the bus and started walking.

"Come on (Y/N) pick up." Alanna didn't know that she was being followed by one of Vlad's spy bugs and him seeing her he imminently took action in using his Plasmius counterpart, just before Alanna did her send attempt in calling me as she was crossing an alleyway Vlad had knocked her out from with in shadows and without anyone seeing him as he turned invisible along with Alanna as he flew off with her. By the time that happened I had just got my phone in seeing that Alanna had called me and when I called her back it went straight into voice mail that worried me.

When Alanna had started coming too her head was barely bounding, she wanted to move her arms but quickly noticed that she couldn't.Upon opening her eyes she imminently saw that she was strapped on a metal table her wrists and ankles where cuffed and bounded to the up right table, just when she was about to panic seeing that she was in some type of lab she calmed herself seeing Vlad Masters reading the files she had on her and he saw her looking back at him and he smirked

"(Y/N) sure has some very observant friends, your the first to actually figure it out. No wonder your a PI detective." Alanna had a serious look on her face as she questioned him

"We thought (Y/N's) last stalker was a piece of work,your a monster." Hearing that work made Vlad angry as he turned to his Plasmuis counter part that left Alanna speechless seeing that as Vlad walked up to her and punch her above her collar bone which it did hurt but Alanna endured it as Vlad spoke to her with a serious look on his face

"I...Am..not a monster. All I've ever wanted...was love." Hearing that Alanna raised her eyebrow

"And you think someone that's almost half your age fits that? Why (Y/N) and not someone your age?"

"I did had someone, but because of that accident I lost my youthful chance. I've tried but it was no use, the first women I loved is out of my reach along with her half ghost son she and her idiot husband still haven't realized." Alanna was a little confused at first but she gave it some thought and remember what I told her about Vlad being close with the Fenton family and the clicked with her

"Jack and Maddie Fenton...There son is half ghost?" Right after she said that Vlad looked impressed by that as he spoke to her

"Very good, if you and Piper could catch on this fast no doubt your other friends can I take it." Just before Alanna was about to yell at Vlad she imminently stopped herself feeling spark pain in her chest and she looked down seeing that he pierced his hand threw her chest as blood started coming down her mouth

"Meaning yawl are going to be a problem that needs to be dealt with carefully." The second Vlad pulled out his bloody hand Alanna had died there on the spot as Vlad gotten some cloth and whipped the blood off his hand before turned back to his human half, he then looked back at Alanna's evidence file he had sat down on the table near him when he put the cloth down near the file and picked it up and re opened it

"I have to admit she's one heck of a detective too bad she had to interfere." Vlad had said that to himself as she set fire to the file with one of his beaker flames until it was completely destroyed

"(Y/N) choose very wisely with the people in her life." After he said that he looked back at Alanna's now corps

"And I have the sick feeling she thought of a plan in case something happened to her? I'm going to have my work cut out for me with these type of people." 

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