Yandere Danny Phantom x Genderfluid greyace Reader Part.2

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Danny couldn't stop thinking about me, but he was still determined to win me over. After a couple of months of stalking which he called it research he felt confident in winning me over both of ( Y/N) and as (Favorite boy's name), within those couple of months I had become the hottest person in town both as (Y/N) and (Favorite boys name) I kept getting asked out one after another whether I was doing community volunteer work or setting up my own fund razes booth at for different charities. The new charities that I had started working for started to see why there cause was so popular at my original home town, mainly people around my age wanted to be around me or get my attention for them to date them. The one person I kept seeing on weekends after school was Danny, yeah Sam and Tucker where with him sometimes but he insisted on staying longer and helping clearing up with me and my other co workers. He also walked with me home which I didn't mind, Danny somehow reminded me of my boyfriend from home that I missed very much. I felt a little at home with him, I discovered Danny's secrete about being half ghost when we both encountered one and after he had captured it I told him that I wouldn't tell anyone and promised to keep his secrete safe. 

When me 15th birthday came a lot of people from my home town had sent a lot of presents to me either packages or cards that had money in it, at school practically every student wished me a happy birthday while I was (Favorite boys name) and the popular girls gave me birthday presents during lunch. I was amazing they went threw the trouble of figuring out my birthday just to impress me and get on my good side, the popular guys where jealous that I was so call hogging all the girls as (Favorite guys name) but they where smart enough to know if they hurt (Favorite boys name) they also hurt (Y/N) which they didn't want. The one thing the people didn't fully get is while I identify as male I'm attracted to guys, the only one that seemed to get it was Danny. I was alright with him and his friends sitting with me at lunch, I started to notice recently that he would always sit next to me even today. Danny even gave me a birthday present, when I opened it I was a surprised at what I as seeing. In the box was a book on folk lore and myths that I loved reading, I was sure I didn't mention to Danny or his friends I loved that type of stuff. The only other way Danny would know was if he was in my room and I never showed him my room, the second he gave me that gift some slight alarms started to kick in from a couple of years ago when I had very crazy fan girl when I was (Favorite boys name) and she ended up getting arrested for stalker me. Now I'm starting to get that almost same feeling with Danny.

Danny had found out about Ian showing up in Amity Park to surprise me on my birthday but Danny got to him first, on the night before my birthday Ian had arrived at Amity Park and just when he was about to check into a hotel. Danny had overshadowed him and he drove Ian into the lake causing him to drown to death without anyone seeing anything, Danny felt no gilt in doing it. 

At home during the night sometimes I felt like I was being watched and in the mornings I would find a red rose outside my window seal along with a note saying "secrete admire", on my birthday morning my so called admire left me a large bouquet of red roses just outside the front door of my house. 

"Listen...(Y/N) there's something I gotta tell ya."Danny asked me that question when it was just the both of us walking back from one of my volunteer works at the animal shelter and I was (Y/N) for the day which was why he said that name.

"What is it Danny?" We both stopped walking as soon as Danny started talking to me and he continued speaking and I saw that he had started to get a little nervous as his cheeks started to turn red and he blurted out

" (Y/N) I'm in love with you." Him saying that surprised me at first but something clicked in my head

"It was you that kept giving me those roses?" Danny nods his head yes before I asked him another question

"Wait a minute? That book you gave me? How did you even know that was book I've been wanting for my collection? You've been in my room haven't you?" Danny started to get more nervous when I said those things, Danny tried to defend himself but I started pulling some pieces together that  I should have with him. I made it clear that I didn't want to see him again as I started to walking off, what I said made him snap. He turned into his ghost half and quickly flew to me as he used his ghost powers to knock me out cold just before I screamed. 

             Danny wasn't going to take no an answer even from me, he decided right then and there if he couldn't have me then no one was.         


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