𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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It was the night of Karasuno's lost to Seijoh when Tanaka had started debating with himself whether or not his relationship with Kiyoko was built on a mutual feeling or basic obsession. He was considering breaking up with her, only now realizing that maybe they wouldn't work out.

Honestly, Tanaka was shocked at his own thoughts as he laid in bed. His body and mind were exhausted from the earlier match against Seijoh. He was one of the only members that hadn't been switched out and held almost all the weight from losing onto his shoulders.

Tanaka knew enough from experience not to text the others. He never wanted to bother anyone after a lose. Maybe it was his own sense of failure that stopped him from reaching out to anyone about how he felt. Though he felt guilty about messaging her, Tanaka texted Kiyoko, hoping to have a reason to forget the match even just for a second.

Instead of a reply, Tanaka was left on read by the black-haired beauty. He had initially brushed it off and guessed that she was tired as well, but changed his mind when she started a conversation with Daichi and Sugawara in the volleyball groupchat.

He rolled over in his bed and was about to close his eyes when his phone vibrated. Though Tanaka knew the right thing was to turn the vibration off and fall into a dreamless sleep, he rolled over and unlocked his phone.


I watched your game td.


Tanaka had to reread the message a few times, thinking that the bright light scorching his eyeballs was making him imagine things. Was he imagining that the girl who was ignoring him had sent him a message?

He started typing, deleting around 7 messages before he got the right, most perfect response ever crafted.




Though he had a million things to say to her, Tanaka decided with the most awkward thing ever.

"Why am I like this?" Tanaka asked, which coincidentally was what he asked himself for all 16 years of his life.


You did well
Don't beat yourself up


It was getting hard to reread the two messages because of the tears building up in his eyes. The validation that he was wishing to get from his girlfriend or even his team was instead given from Y/n, someone who had been ignoring him for the past couple of weeks.


I'll be watching you next time.
You better win or you're buying ice pops

If you need to talk, my windows open


That was the night when Tanaka started questioning his relationship with Kiyoko, lying on the floor of Y/n's bedroom. Their hands were woven together, something Tanaka had missed during these past weeks.

'Maybe its time for a change,' Tanaka thought to himself.


"You broke up with her?" Yū exclaimed in disbelief. All Tanaka had talked about since the first practice of first year was Kiyoko. Whenever they brought up crushes, Tanaka had been the first to voice his on the third year goddess. It was a surprise to the short boy why his friend would ever break up with her.

"Yeah, it wasn't working out," Was all that Tanaka could say without exposing himself or Kiyoko.

It's not like Tanaka could tell Yū, "I'm in love with your sister and I just found out last night and Kiyoko is in love with a blonde with a tiny ponytail tied with a star elastic."

"What do you mean not working out? You're in love with her," Yū stated, hoping to convince his buddy to take her back. The thing was, Yū didn't understand that it was a mutual breakup. Both people were looking to be romantically involved with someone else, it was as simple as that.

Tanaka huffed and wiped the sweat off of his face with the bottom of his shirt. He had thrown himself into practice to try and gather his thoughts but it didn't seem to be working.

He was still confused about how he exactly felt about Y/n. He didn't need to get into another relationship without working himself out first. That's all based off if Y/n actually liked him in a more romantic way. If she didn't and he confessed, everything would still be cool, Tanaka hoped. He would still respect her and wouldn't be surprised if she eloped with Kiyoko.

"It was a slight obsession with her thats it. I realized that I only liked her because she was one of the few girls that actually talked to me." Tanaka hoped that that would satisfy Yū. If it didn't, Tanaka didn't know what would. It was as simple as he said, nothing more, nothing less. He just wanted to move past it.

Yū just nodded his head. The libero knew when to shut up and this was one of those times. There was no point in keeping the conversation going with this subject if it wasn't one Tanaka didn't enjoy.

"So my sister huh?"


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