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Footsteps echoed throughout the hallway as Y/n ran down it. The black case in her right hand hit her leg constantly but she couldn't think about that now. Her breath became heavy as she exited the main building.

She had promised to meet Yū at the gym after band ended, but it had lasted longer than usual today. Her phone had died halfway through the school day so she couldn't simple text him. Even if she could, it wasn't like he could text back. The third years were apparently harsh to the first years and would punish Yū for going on his phone.

'He's probably worried as hell,' Y/n thought. Her thoughts were racing almost as fast as she was running. She was ready to get yelled at by Yū when she arrived at the gym.

Y/n felt relieved when the sounds of footsteps and balls hitting the ground echoed out of the gym. Slowing down, she made sure she hadn't harmed the case in her right hand. The case was covered with volleyball and anime stickers, courtesy of Yū.

To say that Y/n loved her instrument was an understatement, it was her most prized possession. She had been playing the Alto Saxophone since she was seven years old. After Yū got into volleyball, Y/n felt like she had to do something as well. Sports weren't really her thing but she still wanted to do something competitive and in a group. One day, when her brother was still sleeping, Y/n ended up on a channel showing a video of a group of musicians playing a marching song. That was the moment when the Alto Saxophonist caught her eye. It was almost like love at first sight.

Y/n was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice she had walked into someone. The force of the collision pushed her back a few inches before she fell on to the path she was on. Y/n's landing was not graceful at all. Her bottom cushioned the fall but her elbows weren't as lucky as she scraped them against the cement. Thankfully, her case was made for falls like this and didn't receive any damage besides a bit of dirt coating the bottom of the black case.

Y/n looked up at the person, ready to apologize. Taking a glance up, she realized who the person was. It was one of the first year volleyball players. Y/n recognized the blond boy in front of her from a few of the practice games she's watched. From what she remembered, he was a wing spiker and a pretty decent one. She wouldn't know the difference between a good and very good one though. Y/n never really cared to learn more about volleyball then what Yū told her.

"I'm so sorry," He said, reaching down quickly to pull Y/n up. She couldn't help but to notice how soft his voice seemed. Whenever Y/n had gone to a practice game, the boy in front of her was always loud. A person could probably hear his yell in space because of how loud it was.

Realizing his hand was waiting to pull her up, Y/n took it quickly, pulling herself and her case up. She dusted herself off and went to wipe her case when she looked up, meeting the boy's gaze.

Soft Melodies {Tanaka Ryu x Reader} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now