𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎

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Y/n didn't expect her brother to introduce her to his volleyball friends so fast. Sure, he had said he would but she didn't realize he meant the next time she had showed up at their practice.

That day Y/n had properly met the four first years that Yū spook so highly about. The group seemed to mostly be laid back which Y/n appreciated since Yū was like a hyper five-year-old.

It was after practice one night when that laid back personality of the boys was no longer seen. The sun had already setted but Y/n and the five boys were only now just walking home. They had stopped outside a shop because Tanaka and Yū were hungry. Despite having the two loud mouths in the store, the remaining four were not so quiet.

"What do you mean? Strawberries are so much better than blueberries and you know that Kinoshita!" Y/n exclaimed to the brunet. Ennoshita sighed for what felt like the twentieth time that night. Ever since Kinoshita had told Y/n about his obsession with blueberries and blueberry flavoured items, the girl had been arguing with him.

"Strawberries are gross!" Kinoshita responded, his voice louder than what it usually was at school. "Like they stain everything and for them to be anywhere near edible, they have to be fresh which is rare around here!" Narita was watching with amusement as the two bickered about berries.

Thankfully, Yū and Tanaka had walked out of the store they were just in, both holding three popsicles. Ennoshita let out a breath of relief, hoping that their presence would calm down Y/n and Kinoshita.

"Look what we got!" Yū exclaimed, shoving one of the popsicles into Ennoshita's chest, making said boy let out a harsh cough. Kinoshita quickly took the second popsicle from Yū, not bothering to check the flavour of it. He just didn't want Yū to crush the cold treat.

Tanaka quickly shoved a popsicle in both Narita's and Y/n's hand, eager to open his own popsicle. Narita let out a small chuckle while Y/n smiled, mirroring Tanaka's actions, and opening the package. She placed the popsicle in her mouth and sucked on it absentmindedly, while Ennoshita scolded Yū for stealing his popsicle.

Kinoshita had started complaining about his popsicle to Narita which made Tanaka grab onto Y/n's arm so he wouldn't have to hear Y/n defend strawberries for another twenty minutes.

"Sucks to be him," Y/n said happily. Her popsicle was almost finished and Tanaka was fairly impressed on how fast she had eaten it. It reminded him of her brother, who could eat a popsicle in three bites.

"Is it a Nishinoya thing to eat food so fast?" Tanaka asked, watching Y/n take the last bite out of her popsicle.

She thought for a minute before nodding. "Since playing volleyball, Yū eats a lot. Thank god he has a good metabolism or he'd be dead by now. Anyway, Yū started taking my food so if I wanted to eat, I'd have to eat fast."

Soft Melodies {Tanaka Ryu x Reader} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now