𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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Y/n stood on the grass with her saxophone in one hand and her phone in the other. There were twenty minutes until the march started and she was getting worried.

Y/n glanced around at her bandmates. They were all distracted by their friends and family who had shown up to watch them march. Y/n was left alone to the side while she wanted for her own, who had promised to show up.

As the time ticked away, Y/n decided to call her moms, hoping they'd tell her that they were almost there.

The line rang as Y/n fiddled with her saxophone's buttons. It was a habit she had picked up whenever she happened to be anxious.

After a few moments, someone on the other side picked up. "Hello?" Her mom asked loudly, hoping to be heard over the bowls in the background.

"Hey mom, are you here?" Y/n asked, glancing around the field at the other parents as if one would suddenly be her mother.

A sigh came from the other line and talking that Y/n couldn't decipher. She was left there silently listening until her mother responded.

"Sorry honey but we got a new kid at the shop and I'm the only one who can teach him," Her mother said, shifting the phone higher on her shoulder.

"What about ma? Is she able to come?" Y/n asked, shifting in her spot. It was alright if one mom couldn't come. The march wasn't that big of a deal anyways. Y/n could live with only one coming.

Y/n felt her mom let out another sigh. "Satsuki was called in for another shift. The ICU was understaffed this morning and she knew we needed the extra money for the adoption."

Y/n stood silently. She was trying to process what her mother said and it was all ending up as a mess.

After her mother said her goodbyes, Y/n hung up. Everything was still okay. She understood that they needed the money and was okay with them working. Instead of focusing on the sad news of her moms not coming to the march, she turned to the thought of her friends.

She had made sure a couple weeks in advance that they weren't going to be busy. They had no practices and no family commitments and had been hyped to see her play.

The thought of her boys made Y/n happier and she dialed Ennoshita's number with a smile on her face.

The phone continued to ring until Ennoshita's voice came on the line. Y/n opened her mouth to greet him but closed it when she realized it was his voicemail. She listened to the whole thing before leaving a message at the end.

"Hey, the march is about to start in like ten minutes and I wanted to know if you guys were here," She said, holding her saxophone closer to her body. Her voice got quieter with each word until she ended her sentence.

Y/n hung up and was about to turn off her phone when she got a text from Sugawara.


Soft Melodies {Tanaka Ryu x Reader} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now