𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎

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The next day ended up being a school day. Tanaka and Y/n woke up facing each other, their faces only centimeters apart. Y/n went to move away, hoping that he couldn't see her bright red face, but the arm around her waist pulled her back.

"One more minute," Tanaka mumbled, resting his cheek on top of her head.

Y/n brought her hands up to his chest, using all her might to push him off of her. "You have to get ready for practice," She responded.

Tanaka grumbled something under his breath before loosening his grip on the girl's body.

"Do you still have my uniform from last time?" Y/n asked, sitting up on the bed. She closed her eyes and stretched, sighing softly when her bones popped.

Tanaka opened his eyes again and looked up at her. Sleeping side by side was nothing new to the two of them but whenever Tanaka woke up next to her, he always thought it was a dream. He didn't understand how he could get such a lovely girl to be this comfortable around him.

"It's in the yellow bag by my sweaters," Tanaka replied, sitting up himself.

He watched Y/n walk over to his closet, trying hard not to stare at her exposed legs. Just because he was a boy, didn't mean he couldn't control himself. Tanaka quickly looked away after a quick glance. He didn't want Y/n to feel uncomfortable with him staring though she had realized he did a while ago.

The two of them got ready quick, not wanting to be late to the volleyball practice only a half hour later. Y/n didn't care what time she arrived at because she wasn't on the team, clearly.

As soon as they arrived at school, Tanaka turned to Y/n to say his goodbyes. He was really cutting it close and he didn't need to have Daichi on his ass for being late.

Before he could say goodbye, Y/n nudged him in the direction of the gym. "I'll see you before class starts," She said, reassuring Tanaka that she would make time for him before the first bell rang.

After a quick hug, Tanaka left, leaving Y/n alone at the gate. She sighed and slowly made her way towards the main building. She was in no rush to get into class as she was going to be the first inside. She always was.


It took a couple of hours for students to start filing into the room. As usual, they lowered their voices as soon as they entered. They did it in consideration of Y/n, who was sleeping soundly on top of her desk.

The whispers and murmers were interrupted by a certain wing spiker and three of his teammates. The boys came inside the room and made their way over to Y/n's desk.

Ennoshita was the only one brave enough to poke the sleeping girl. He was willing to lose a finger to her and the three other boys hiding behind him were surprised at his bravery.

Soft Melodies {Tanaka Ryu x Reader} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now