𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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Y/n was sitting in the gym, scrolling through her phone. She had been dragged by Tanaka to another morning practice, though this one was at a normal time. Luckily for him, she had pulled an all nighter to finish watching Kuroko no Basket, which meant she was in a happy mood.

The only boys in the gym with her at the moment were Kageyama and Hinata. The others were taking their sweet time getting changed. Daichi had made Y/n babysit his trouble children while he hit on Sugawara in the change room. He didn't exactly say that but to Y/n, that's what he implied.

Kageyama, being his angsty boy self, had been serving the ball across the court since Y/n had arrived. He was trying to hit the empty bottle on the other side and he was getting close.

Y/n didn't pay him any attention and continued to make weird memes since they were the only ones Tanaka liked. She only looked up from her phone when a familiar jacket fell on top of her head.

In front of her, wearing his 'Mighty Warrior' shirt, was Yū. Y/n couldn't see his face but she could tell he was smirking due to whatever he had just done.

"Can you get your ass out of my face?" She said, not wanting to look up again at her brother's flat ass. Yū fought the urge to sit on Y/n and instead focused on the two children in the gym.

Hinata approached Yū slowly. The orange haired boy's thoughts were running faster than he could on the court. He wanted to ask so many things but so little came out of his mouth.

"Are you shorter than me?" Hinata blurted out, ruining Yū's moment.

Kageyama and Hinata watched in horror as Yū tried to fight Hinata. Yū was growing like a dog and only stopped when Y/n finally intervened. She grabbed on to his collar and lifted him slightly above the floor.

"Apologize," Y/n said firmly to Yū. She had gone into Daichi mode and glared at Yū with a father-like disappointed face.

If there was one thing that Y/n was sure about when it came to her brother was the fact that he hated being called short. Yū had been the same height for almost three years now while Y/n grew slowly throughout. Neither of their mothers knew where the shortness came from since both of their families were giants.

Yū had been told that short people didn't play volleyball unless they were the libero. Instead of letting those comments get to him, Yū had decided to be the best libero he could be to show that short people were great too.

Before Yū could bite into Y/n's hand, the three musketeers walked in. It was about time anyways. Y/n didnt know how much longer she could last in the gym full of idiots.

Soft Melodies {Tanaka Ryu x Reader} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now