𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎

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It was the end of the school day and the Nishinoya twins were standing outside school grounds, since Yū wasn't allowed in. He was still suspended and was not allowed inside school grounds yet.

"So there's no club today?" Y/n asked Ogasawara through the phone. The president of the music club had called Y/n to let her know the change of plans despite Y/n already knowing them.

Y/n heard Ogasawara clear her throat through the phone before responding.  "A few of the first years have started to fall behind in schoolwork so Asuka has offered to help," She said.

Y/n nodded to Yū, letting him know that the plan to watch the practice match was a go.

Yū pulled out his phone and called up Saeko, the only person who could get them to Aoba Johsai before the practice match began. The twins knew that there was a huge chance of dying but that was the thrill of it.

"I'll see you at practice tomorrow then," Y/n said before hanging up. She placed her phone in her skirt's pocket before turning to Yū, who was still on the phone, waving his hands. It was almost like he expected Saeko to understand him when he gestured with his hands.

Yū nodded his head rapidly before hanging up. He raced over to his sister and used her shoulders to lift himself into the air.

"I'm so excited!" He said, crushing his sister under his weight. A few students leaving the school entrance giggled and starting whispering about the twins as they walked away.

"Could you be any louder?" Y/n scolded. Though, she was a bit miffed about her brother using her as a balance beam, Y/n was just as excited as Yū was.

Yū let go of Y/n's shoulders and took out her bento from her school bag. He sat down on to the sidewalk and started eating the almost full meal.

Y/n rolled her eyes before looking down the street. She had heard from Yahaba, her middle school friend, that the Aoba Johsai volleyball team was doing really good so far. Both twins knew how good of a team Aoba Johsai was, so they were a bit worried about Karasuno's team.

"According to Creampuff, Oikawa's serve is getting deadly," Y/n told her brother as they waited for Saeko to arrive.

Yū stopped stuffing his face with Y/n's leftover lunch and turned to her. He swallowed whatever was in his mouth just so Y/n wouldn't yell at him for eating with his mouth full.

"I can't wait to dig those up!" He said in excitement. His eyes were sparkling and his whole body was shaking.

Y/n deadpanned as she looked at her vibrating brother. "By that, I meant that the team is going to be in trouble," She said, speaking each word slowly so her dense brother understood each word. "There's only one first year on the team that can receive properly."

Soft Melodies {Tanaka Ryu x Reader} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now