𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

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Shiratorizawa <3

The weather was nice enough so when Y/n went for a walk around the campus, she didn't bother to change out of her shorts. The band had gone through their newest march, which was for the end of the year but it helped to be prepared.

She walked down the cement trail, humming the piece the band had just been playing. Her hair bounced a top her shoulders with each hop she took that represented quarter notes.

It was the last day that the Karasuno concert band was going to be at Shiratorizawa so their supervisors had let them free after practice that afternoon. It was a chance for the older years to visit old friends while the first years were shown around.

The sound of shoes squeaking alerted Y/n that she had arrived at her destination. The familiar sound of balls being slammed down on the ground made her happy, knowing that she was going to be able to see a close friend.

She paused outside the door, waiting until she was sure Coach (bwifb) wasn't there. The coach was friendly enough to Y/n but he still scared her a lot. Once she was sure he wasn't in the gym, Y/n peeked her head from the tiny space between the closed door next to her opened one.

Instantly she was greeted with the sight of the handsome boys that made up the Shiratorizawa Boys Volleyball team. A couple of the faces were new to her but that made sense since there would obviously be first years.

Without alerting any of the boys, she slid into the gym, slipping off her outdoor shoes. Y/n was left in her crow socks since she didnt have an extra pair of shoes on her at the moment.

Y/n slid carefully to a grumpy player who was on the sidelines, glaring at a player on the court.

"Why so angry Semi~Semi?" Y/n asked quietly, hoping that she didn't break his train of thought.

Semi's eyebrows furrowed even more at the sound of Y/n's voice. He was more upset that she used that hideous nickname then the fact that she had left him on read for two weeks. It was totally by accident but Semi wasn't going to let her use the 'I forgot about it excuse again though that's exactly what happened.

"What're you doing here brat?" He asked, looking down at Y/n. Semi intentionally was going to be angry with her but after seeing her small pout, he couldn't. It reminded him of how Goshiki acted when he got in trouble and Semi instantly softened.

With the pout still on her face, Y/n huffed and turned her back to Semi. "You're so mean to me," She cried, refusing to look at him because of his greeting.

Before Semi had the chance to apologize to the shorter girl, a figure loomed over the two of them.

"Oh Nishinoya, how good to see you," Ushijima said, his deep voice echoing around Y/n's ears. His voice always made a chill run down her spine. It reminded her of a YouTube she watches with how deep it was.

Soft Melodies {Tanaka Ryu x Reader} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now