𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚘

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The last rays of the setting sun found its way through the cracks of Y/n's blinds, illuminating her dark room in separate sections.

The wind chimes in her window hit each other softly with the breeze coming in. It made for a relaxing background noise for the two teenagers sitting in silence.

Y/n's body was draped sideways on her bed, her lap resting in Tanaka's lap. His hand combed through her hair, occasionally getting stuck in knots that had formed throughout the day.

They had been like this for over twenty minutes, simply wanting to be with each other before their schedules got too packed. Moments like this only came around once and a while. They were either busy with their separate clubs or picking away at the homework they had left for until the last minute.

"So how was the watching?" Y/n asked, breaking the silence of the room. Tanaka had texted her earlier that day saying that he couldn't join her for lunch because he was watching some middle school volleyball players.

He had sent her multiple detail texts about some volleyball players and while Y/n enjoyed learning more about the sport, she ultimately knew they were for her brother.

Yū had been suspended for breaking a vase. Y/n asked him what would lead him to do such a thing as the vice principal was already watching them closely. She never got an answer from him but Y/n knew it had to have been something bad when she heard Yū crying in his bedroom that night. Their parents had taken away his phone for the month but that didn't matter because Y/n let him use her own.

"It was pretty boring," Tanaka said, rather loudly, breaking Y/n from her thoughts. "The only game I really cared about was that one with the 'King of the Court'." His hand pulled away from her hair so he could make air quotes when he mentioned the young boy's nickname.

"I thought you said that you were never gonna acknowledge that name? Something about how you wont accept that a middle schooler is better than you," Y/n replied, grabbing his hand and bringing it back to her head. Tanaka's face contorted into one of anger and Y/n let out a snort at his reaction.

Y/n raised an arm up and started poking his cheek whenever he tried to answer her. This was a habit of hers, one that none of the boys understood. One day last year, she had just started poking the boys' cheeks whenever they tried to argue with her. It seemed to work though because she continued to do it.

Tanaka grabbed on to her hand and brought it back to the bed, silently telling Y/n that he wanted to talk about his day more. To keep herself occupied while Tanaka complied about the young volleyball player, Y/n started playing with the fingers on Tanaka's hands.

She traced the lines of his palm with her index finger and moved to his fingers when she was done. Y/n was always amused by others' hands. Some like Yū's were smaller than hers and some like Tanaka's were much bigger. She giggled to herself when she measured their hands for the hundredth time since they met.

Soft Melodies {Tanaka Ryu x Reader} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now