𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎

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The next day started off in the most annoying way Y/n could possibly imagine. Tanaka had decided to walk with her to school and would not stop bothering her about date ideas. He had told her that he had asked Kiyoko out but had no idea of what to do with a 'goddess like Kiyoko'.

Now don't get it wrong, Y/n was all for helping her friends out but this felt wrong and made her stomach turn with each suggestion.

"What would be the best date in your opinion?" Tanaka asked, hoping to get a detailed answer out of the girl beside him, who had barely said anything more than a two word answer.

Y/n had so many date ideas to suggest, a lot of them being from fanfictions she would read when she was lonely. The worst part of trying to imagine these dates was that Y/n pictured Tanaka in every single one of them. If it was the beach, he was there getting an ice cream cone to share. If it was at night, he was there, cuddled against her as they watched whatever anime was next in line on her watch list.

"If it was for me, I'd like to spend a day in a meadow full of flowers, eating whatever I had made for the two of us," Y/n said, unable to stop the words from spilling out. She was so worried, no afraid, that she'd layout the entire date and he'd use it on Kiyoko.

The worst part about this ordeal was that Y/n really appreciated her friendship with both Tanaka and Kiyoko. She didn't want to ruin what she had built up with the two of them. Therefore, she slowly started giving up, knowing that they'd probably end up married by the time the manga she was a side character in was up.

"Is that it?" Tanaka asked, hoping to get more details. If he were to be honest, he was really interested in what Y/n was going to say and not just because he was planning on using the idea. He simply wanted to know what his closest friend would want in a significant other.

Y/n's smile grew as she imagined laying in a meadow with Tanaka by her side.

"We'd watch the clouds drift by while we talked about whatever was on our minds. I would definitely make flower crowns with whatever was around and give them the completed product as a gift."

"That sounds surprisingly calm for you," Tanaka responded, laughing at the offended expression that crossed over Y/n's face.

She pushed him lightly, barely making his body move, and started walking faster away from his laughter.

"Hey! Come back!" Tanaka yelled as soon as he stopped laughing. Y/n was already at the school gates by the time he caught up.

"You're dead to me and I mean that."


Y/n's worst fear seemed to happen and she wasn't surprised about it. She had overheard a conversation between Kiyoko and Sugawara the day after Tanaka and her went on a date.

Kiyoko described the whole thing with a rare smile on her face. Something about a meadow full of wild daisies and homemade food that Tanaka spent days trying to master.

After that moment of eavesdropping, Y/n made her decision. Though she loved her friends on the volleyball team and watching her brother play, she decided that she wasn't going to go to their practices anymore. It made her sick to her stomach.

Did Y/n talk to anyone about her feelings? If you said yes, you're a liar and we all know it. Y/n felt ashamed of her feelings. She didn't know why it hurt so much that Kiyoko went on the date Y/n always wanted to go on. Though, she only had herself to blame for telling Tanaka about her entire plan.

It seemed that none of the volleyball players noticed her absence. They were all too busy preparing for preliminaries and gossiping about the newest couple.

That only made Y/n feel worse as the days went on. She couldn't stop the endless cycle of crying and then blaming her loud mouth for digging the hole in which she stayed, curled up like the baby she was.

The only reasons why she left the house these days were for school and band. Her performance in both areas were slowly getting worse but at the moment the teachers couldn't notice the same mistakes she made every day.

The worst part of having all this time alone to her thoughts was that she started to remember every little memory that involved Tanaka.

There was this one time in first year where Y/n had a broken wrist after trying to do her brother's signature move. It was her non dominant hand that had been affected but that didn't stop Tanaka from trying to do everything for her, claiming that he didn't want her to become more injured.

And then there was the month in which Y/n binges a new anime, one that she hadn't watched yet and avoided all spoilers. She finished it and wanted to talk to someone about it but none of her friends watched anime. Y/n had so much that she wanted to explain or theorize about but nobody cared. That was until Tanaka came up to her a week or two later, claiming that he had binged the entire show just so she could have someone to talk to about it.

Every little thing haunted her as she sat in the back of her math class, blanking out of the conversation of triangles or whatever her teacher was talking about.

But Y/n knew she should be happy. Happy that her best friend found someone that was going to treat him right. Maybe she'll just move on from her crush, her silly little crush that she had on him.

"But what if I can't?"


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