𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

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Ennoshita had heard the news from Kinoshita, who out of the six second years lived for any kind of gossip. It was 1 am on Saturday, less than two weeks ago, when Kinoshita had woken him up to tell him that Tanaka had broken up with Kiyoko. It shocked Ennoshita out of whatever sleep he could've gotten for the rest of the morning.

It wasn't that dramatic, but it was surprising that Tanaka would go through all that trouble of trying to get Kiyoko to like him just to ruin it as soon as he dated her for like a month.

It was currently Wednesday, a very exhausting day so far if Ennoshita could say himself. It got worse when he saw Tanaka and Y/n standing together outside the classroom, talking as if she had forgiven him.

Y/n was laughing at something Tanaka had said, her head tilted back as a hand raised to her mouth to cover her laughter. The smile Tanaka gave her was blinding and made Ennoshita sick to the stomach.

Whenever he got this feeling, Ennoshita was reminding of the Hanahaki disease, the one with the flowers. It was the only thing he could think of whenever he glanced over at the couple, their hands just gently brushing each other. He knew they weren't in a relationship, at least, for all he knew, they could've been.

Ennoshita didn't like how close they were. He had heard all about how the two of them started talking again from Tanaka, who liked to brag about every so often for no reason whatsoever. The whole thing annoyed Ennoshita, though he was great friends with Tanaka, he couldn't help but be jealous of the rapidly forming relationship between his two friends.

Ennoshita was happy that the whole thing had brought Y/n back to their practices whenever she could spare time. It was refreshing to have someone praise him in a club where it seemed only the most talented got words of encouragement. Ennoshita had fallen back into the shadows when Y/n was gone but was brought out once again by her sunshine.


"Ready for lunch?" He asked, placing his lunch next to her own on top her table. They had been eating lunch together again after their talk with one another and Ennoshita couldn't help but to feel smug by the fact that he had her for lunch.

"Yessir, just lemme finish this sentence and I'll be ready!" Y/n exclaimed, scribbling whatever words appeared along her train of thought.

Ennoshita rested his head on his hand and watched her rush to finish her assignment. He was waiting for her to finish so they could eat together.

Competition season was slowly approaching for both the volleyball team and the concert band. It was getting harder to see one another due to conflicting practicing times.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked, resting her chopsticks down on top of the yellow napkin she had on her desk. "Do I have food on my face?"

She did in fact have pieces of rice stuck to the skin by her lips, but Ennoshita was focused on burning every feature of her face into his memory like he had done times before. Every moment spent with her was ingrained into his brain hidden away in a separate file specifically for her.

Soft Melodies {Tanaka Ryu x Reader} [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now